Gratitude List for June 29
I really like Laurel Reagan's idea of the weekly gratitude list and am trying to participate regularly. When you have gratitude, it's hard to be negative. Remembering all the good things beats the heck out of dwelling on the bad, getting down on yourself and having regrets. I've been that route and it's a big waste of time and energy. I am grateful for: the beautiful summer weather that we Canadians wait for so long all year. We must appreciate it while it’s here. As my dad says, “It’s a longgggggg winter.” the screened-in porch where I can listen to the birds and look at the beauty of nature all around me. We only use the porch a few months of the year so I am grateful for this room where I can write, read, daydream, scrapbook and share meals with the family. supportive inlaws who just celebrated their 60 th anniversary this week. Bravo to them. Hope hubby and I make it to 60 ...