Gratitude List for Sunday, June 8

I am joining in with Laurel Reagan's Gratitude List Linkup.

What's on your gratitude list? Here's mine for today.

  • I’m grateful to see nature blooming and giving birth all around me like those sweet little baby robins above whose nest is on one of our garage lights.
  • I am grateful for this lovely spring weather and appreciate the different seasons, each one so distinctive. Winter is beautiful to look at but sure is long to endure. It sure makes you appreciate spring that much more. It really is my favourite season before the oppressive summer humidity arrives.
  • I’m grateful to live out in the country near farms and forests where we can walk the dogs and I can ride my bike freely. Well, fairly freely. We do have a busy highway that goes right through the centre of the town but I am grateful for it as it takes me to the city!
  • I’m grateful that the city is only half an hour away for when I want some cultural stimulation such as yesterday when we went to “Doors Open Ottawa”. I enjoyed going with the family to visit a Hindu Temple. We also learned about how Bridgehead buys coffee around the world and then roasts it. Then we visited Billings Estate, an influential family who helped build Ottawa in the 1800s.
  • I’m grateful for having the company of my two beautiful cats today, Kobie and Daisy who accept me unconditionally and don’t demand too much. Well, except when it’s dinner time.
  • I'm grateful for all my Facebook and blogger friends who support and encourage me. It's greatly appreciated! Thanks!


  1. Great list, Cathy! Love the robins - so sweet.

    1. Love your idea of the gratitude list, Laurel. I strive to be grateful every day as it keeps me in a positive mindset and I banish any neggies or inner critic feelings that try to take over.

  2. I would love to live outside the city, where there is nature all around. Very nice list.

  3. Great list. And I love the nest full of birds. The caption made me smile.


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