What's your anchor?

I haven’t done much blogging since the April A to Z challenge. Between preparing for choir concerts and having my laptop fixed, blogging fell through the cracks.

I seem to be that way and go full throttle at projects and then nothing. I must try to get back at it again as I do enjoy it and I do appreciate the friendships I’ve made with other wonderful bloggers.

I was thinking about a topic they discussed at Weight Watchers last week about having an anchor whenever we feel ourselves going off track on our healthy eating regime. For me, going to the meetings is my anchor as they get my mindset back to where it should be again and I love the leader Carol and her self deprecating Newfoundland humour. She’s a riot.

We have different kinds of anchors in life to handle challenges and obstacles that throw us off course. What about having an anchor for when we get off the creative track? Many times I’ve been derailed by stress, rejection, indifference and just plain old procrastination and my inner critic working overtime. 

Wouldn’t it be good to have some kind of anchor to remind me that I am a worthwhile creative spirit and to celebrate my creativity daily?

Here is my anchor, a tangible reminder that I am a creative spirit and that fun inner child Cathy lives within and wants to come out and celebrate daily. And of course, I love cats so had to have a cat as well! I will look at this anchor whenever I fall into those bad habits of self doubt and defeat. This anchor will remind me to celebrate the moment and express myself for the pure joy of creative expression without any expectations of external gratification or approval.

Here is my creative anchor to look at and hold onto when my spirits are low. Sorry the photo is a little blurry. It's a dull, rainy day today and the lighting isn't the best so I made the photo go soft and blurry. Kind of a dreamy effect and then I can imagine that the little girl in the picture is my inner child, Cathy.

Many have a spiritual anchor which is also a good anchor to have. Wish mine was stronger but I accept it for what it is. When I wrote this blog post, the hymn "We have an anchor" kept going in my head. Here is a cute version with a jolly old fellow from the Isle of Man singing it on guitar.

What’s your anchor? Do you have one?


  1. Thanks for giving me much food for thought, Cath. I must think of my creative anchor too.

    1. Thanks for dropping in, Corinne. If you think of your creative anchor, please share about it. I'd love to hear.

  2. My anchor is me. I write for the same reasons you do. I believe I deserve to nurture that creative part of myself. People have let me down. God? If there is one, he hasn't been a whole lot of help either. But one constant that has always been in my life is me. And it's high time I gave myself some pleasure for all the hard work I've done to keep me going.


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