Happy Victoria Day Weekend!

Hi everyone! I'm backkkkk! My goodness! I was only going to take a short blogging break after the April A to Z Challenge but somehow it has stretched into more than two weeks. 

I’ve always been curious about the Victoria Day weekend and why Canada celebrates Queen Victoria's birthday and England doesn’t. 

I wondered why we don’t even acknowledge the date of her birthday which is May 24th and it's always the third Monday in May. 

I found this great article that explains the origins so well. So interesting to see how it has evolved over the years.

made this funny poster and wrote a little ditty to celebrate the holiday weekend. 

To all my fellow Canadians, enjoy the holiday and to everyone else, have a great weekend wherever you are!

Queen Victoria would not be amused

To see how her birth date has been abused,
We celebrate her birthday the third Monday in May
If she were alive, she'd have plenty to say,

Canadians still think Queen Victoria is great
Even if they don’t acknowledge the proper date!
Parties, barbecues, and camping out
That’s what this weekend is all about,

Put out the dock and ready the boat
Put it in the water and watch it float,
Mosquitoes bite and black flies munch
Humans make a tasty lunch!

Victoria Day weekend means winter is done
It means Canadians can have some fun,
Air out the cottage and the camping gear
Our summer season is almost here!


  1. You've captured the spirit of the holiday so well, Cathy! ☺ Hubby and I just finished cleaning and setting up the outdoor furniture. We're partying with the dogs and they love it - going crazy playing "ball" in the yard. Now they're all crashed out. Happy Victoria Day Weekend to you and your family!

    1. Sounds like you're spending your "Victoria Day" weekend in good Canadian form, cleaning and preparing for the summer season, Debbie. What fun for the dogs playing ball! They're happy it's spring, I'm sure.

    2. Oh and thanks for the comment. Forgot to say thanks. I appreciate it when people comment, I really do!

    3. Outdoor sit down BBQ dinner for the first time this year! Love that! (We use the BBQ year round, but it's always an occasion when we can actually sit out there!) We're all happy it's Spring, for sure. ☺ Thanks for the reply.

  2. Nice poem on Victoria day. :)

  3. One of my favorite "Canadian" poems to write, was about Victoria Day... So, seeing and reading your fine poem was quite the treat, Cathy. You have made me smile.

    1. This is cool! Two of my favourite poets meet for the first time.☺

  4. What a fun post, Cat! Happy long weekend!

  5. Oh your posts are always so fun and/or amusing Cat, including this one! :) Thanks for sharing your ditty and fun poem. I wrote about the weekend too though in a gratitude list form: http://www.xpressyouressence.blogspot.ca/2015/05/gratitude-list-5-victoria-day-weekend.html ;) Have as fun a weekend as you write about Cat! <3

  6. hehehe The Queen's bday in Australia is celebrated on different dates in different states ... funny isn't it :P


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