Move Into a Brand New Light!

I noticed Mr. C molting recently, his magnificent red plumage looking grey and scruffy as the feathers prepare to fall out. Soon he will grow a whole new set of feathers for winter so he will look his best in my winter photos against the snow.

Sometimes I wish I could shed my feathers and grow a new set, too. Or I wish I could be like a snake and shed my old skin and emerge with a fresh new one. Younger and slimmer might be nice, too. Oh well, can't  have everything!

A cardinal does a feather purge
As summer comes to a close,
Soon new feathers will emerge
Mr. C will be ready to pose,

How I wish that I could molt like birds
To become a brand new me,
But maybe I can shed some words
In that way I’ll be free,

Words like I can’t or I’m too old
I’m too stupid and slow,
Words like these just leave me cold
These words have got to go!

Shed the words and do a purge
Move into a brand new light,
Allow the new me to emerge
Positive, happy and bright!


  1. WOW -- this hit me where I needed it. I am finally learning that at this stage in life. Beliving in yourself can be challenging but rewarding.

  2. A well-timed reminder. Thanks, Cathy! ☺ Love the Cardinal analogy.

  3. Loved the positivity that is so inspiring. Thanks for sharing, Cathy!

  4. Words like I can’t or I’m too old I’m too stupid and slow, Words like these just leave me cold These words have got to go! Nice one - these words leave me cold too.

  5. What a beautiful thought! Shed words to be free... :) don't we all do that at times.

  6. I loved how played with words, with the image and the amount of positivity that is flowing from the beautiful poem!!


  7. Yes! And YES! My friend, positive happy and bright! Always:-) Free like a bird, thats what Im thinking.-) Lovely!

  8. Oh, wow! Cat! Exactly what I have been thinking of doing since some time now....<3


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