#Monday Musings - Keeping Going Through Adversity

Last week I had a horrible bout of a 24 hour flu with a lovely visit to Vomitland (love that description. Thanks, Liz!) that rendered me weak and useless for a day or two. Now I have a head cold that I caught from the hubs. I just had a humongous nosebleed this morning due to my nose being so irritated. That added to Daylight Savings Time, and my awful menopausal hot flashes making it so hard to sleep, it's no wonder I am one cranky bit….er lady these past few days. 

All these physical challenges are wearing me down and yet, I still have lots to be grateful for. Being sick sure makes me appreciate being healthy. Keeping a positive attitude and a sense of humour is extra challenging, but worth the effort. Giving up and becoming a whiny drudge doesn’t help anything.

I remember my dear departed mother in her final years. She had many health challenges and was too frail to do a lot at the end of her life. I’m sure she would have liked to travel more as she always loved traveling in her younger years. Near the end she found it too tiring and difficult. 

Still, she enjoyed each day as best she could. I will always have memories of her sitting in her favourite chair in the sunroom, gazing down the hill in contentment at that gorgeous view of the Bras D’Or Lakes in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. I can still imagine her chatting loudly on her speaker phone, catching up on the latest gossip or having a good laugh with a friend while my dad would listen in the background. Her humour, positive and strong spirit would always shine through, despite her physical frailty.
Here is a photo of my mom sitting in her favourite spot in her sunroom. This is the last photo I have of her so it's extra special to me.

I used to think my mother was so tough and invincible when I was growing up. She was proud and feisty, going for what she wanted, not taking no for an answer. She always told me to stand up for myself and not put up with crap from other people. I admired that about her as she was a true survivor who kept going through any adversity.

In keeping with these thoughts, this quote by Eleanor Roosevelt resonated with me this morning. 

In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves.
The process never ends until we die.
And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility.
- Eleanor Roosevelt

My attitude shapes how I see things so I must work on remaining positive, despite the hard stuff that gets thrown at me. I can’t blame others or expect them to fix everything for me. I can’t let others run the show and tell me what to do all the time. I need to stand tough and believe in myself more. My attitude is up to me and so are my choices.

I’ve been given this brief gift of life and need to live each day with gratitude and a positive outlook, despite the challenges that will always be there. 

It’s ultimately my own responsibility as the Eleanor Roosevelt quote says so well.


  1. Oh Cat, I'm so sorry to hear that.

    I hope you get better soon and bounce back with more vigor. If you stay positive, everything will eventually fall into place.

    1. Thanks, Soumya. I'm trying to keep a positive attitude. Beats the heck out of letting it defeat me.

  2. You sure have had a rough time, Cathy! I hope you're feeling better now. Doing a gratitude post also helped me when I was sick. The key is to remember it's only temporary and things will improve. Spring is on the way!

    1. Thanks, Debbie. Yes, being grateful always helps keep things in perspective. I'm feeling so much better now, thanks. And yes, spring is coming. Woohoo!

  3. It does not come easy maintaining a positive outlook when one is down with sickness. There is a lot to learn from your mother about how wonderfully she managed to keep her sense of humour and positivity intact even in her last days. In her last photo, I can clearly her smile reaching up to her eyes and it is a marvel. I see so many elderly people who never smile, neither in the photos nor in real life. I wish you speedy recovery Cathy. Get well soon :)

    1. Thanks for your kind words about my mom and her smile and sense of humour. She was always good that way. Something for me to strive for. Thanks for commenting.

  4. Things have been tough with you, Cat! But what you say is so right! Stay tough, stay positive and depend only on yourself and you will win every battle! Cheers and hugs to you, sweetie! ❤

    1. I'm feeling so much better now, thanks, Shilpa. Trying to be grateful and positive each day.

  5. Hope you recover soon Cat and stay positive.Being grateful really helps. Regards to your Mother whose smile did not fade even when she was in her last days of life.

    1. Thanks so much for your comment, Upasna and your kind words. I haven't blogged in months so it was so nice seeing that there was a comment here. I must try and get back into blogging again.


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