Magical Moments

Last Sunday morning I was watching from my window. In the space of five minutes, I saw the hummingbird, a baby rabbit and the cardinal. I managed to get photos of them all to relive those magical moments. I especially like Mr. C's blurred tail feathers as it gives him a mysterious ethereal look as if he's going to disappear into the air at any moment.

Magical moments, how quickly they pass
Like a ripple of wind on a patch of grass,
Savour the moment like gentle rain.
This moment will never come again.


  1. Hey, so good to read your poem after such a long time!
    True,living in the moment and savouring it will make life happier, than waiting for some special moment which might actually never come.
    Such a cute poem, Cat! ♡

    1. Thanks so much, Shilpa. It felt good to write something after such a long time. I appreciate the support and hope to get back into more of a blogging routine.

  2. Yes how quickly these amazing moments pass... I have never seena humming bird... Gosh u are so lucky... I get to see a lot of parakeets though... They are a noisy bunch.

    1. Thanks, Raj. I would enjoy seeing those parakeets. We don't have those here unless you go to an exotic petshop. Love my birdies and how no two days are exactly the same with those magical moments.

  3. Wildlife in the yard always provides entertainment. ☺ Great photos, Cathy. Mr. C is splendid!

    1. Thanks, Debbie. Yes, they are so entertaining. I even enjoy watching the squirrels, as annoying as they are. Their antics often make me laugh out loud. Thanks for your encouragement and support for the blogging. Good to be writing again after three months.

  4. Oh my! I love Mr. C too...Special moments do come suddenly and pass almost as quickly as they come..:)

  5. Loved your poem! And those pictures are fabulous. You captured the humming bird, flying. Very cool :)


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