You Matter

Several years back, some friends from our church suffered a terrible blow when their adult son shot himself dead one winter night. How incredibly sad that this man had reached such a low point that he saw no way out other than taking his own life.

While I can’t even begin to comprehend the deep despair a suicidal person must feel, it's clear that people have become more disconnected and isolated from each other.

In the frantic pace of today’s world, it’s easy to get lost in the shuffle and feel that no one cares. Families are fragmented and communities are not as close and supportive as they once were.

Is there anything that we as individuals can do, even in a small way to connect with others and assure them that they are valuable?

A movement started at the University of Southern California’s School of Social Work called “You Matter” is doing just that.

By acknowledging someone, showing appreciation or even doing a random act of kindness towards a stranger, you may change someone’s life more than you know.

Here are 60 ways to show a person that they do matter.  

We all are important and every life is significant and of value. 

We are all connected.

I am participating at Write Tribe’s special blogging challenge today as part of Suicide Prevention Awareness Day.


  1. What a tragedy, Cat! Two families we know suffered similar tragedies. The fact that both youngsters had access to guns, didn't help. But the feelings are the same....
    Thank you for blogging so meaningfully, as always, and adding to the effort.

  2. These gentle acts makes one feel that he/she really matters to the society. Thanks for sharing the links...

  3. Sometimes these gentle acts are required

  4. It is only when someone close to us attempts something like this that we start reaching out for them. Otherwise the world tends to draw their own conclusions and turn their back to such people who need love and care.
    The story of the boy who shot himself is indeed heart wrenching.

  5. I guess the root cause is lack of appreciation in childhood. Then they grow up seeking attention and trying to fit in... and the chain of events just unfolds.

  6. gosh!

    however, in the end how we attempt to solve the problem matters!!

  7. Such a sad story, Cathy and only one of millions. I think you're right that society is becoming more fragmented.

  8. So sad... I don't know what to say..These days we are truly more disconnected as you say..We need to grow closer and help each other through in this journey of life

    Random Thoughts Naba...Connect To Save A Life...

  9. :( How tragic! Wish they find peace in the other world at least.

  10. Oh that was such a sad story Cathy. To be connected and to have every person feel they matter is important.. Very well written post dear on a sad subject.


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