#100HappyPosts - Music Uplifts and Connects Us All!

It’s hard to stay positive and upbeat when you are constantly bombarded by so much sadness in the world. Murders, wars, terrible calamities such as plane crashes, natural disasters like floods and fires become constant fare in the daily news. It’s enough to make you want to crawl into your bed and pull the covers over your head.

I came across this uplifting story on my Yahoo feed. I’m always drawn to homeless stories and have even written a few short stories about them. 

I was so touched by the story of this poor soul in Sarasota, Florida. A gifted musician who had many setbacks in his life, his life started on a downward spiral after the death of his wife and he ended up living on the streets.

Here is the link to the story about him. Sarasota Homeless Man Plays Piano 

So uplifting to read about how he’s getting a second chance at a better life and to listen to his music.

Music is so powerful how it can connect us, despite boundaries of class, race, language, or nationality. Inspiring!


  1. True Cat..Music is powerful indeed...Touching story this,..And good to know he is getting another shot...But how is he getting the second chance? Maybe I'll google about him now :)

    1. Oh dear. Guess my link to the story isn't prominent enough. Thanks, Naba. I'll move it up so it's more obvious.

  2. This is so touching, Cat. I agree music is uplifting in so many ways.

    1. It sure is. I enjoyed your Carpenters' tune this morning. That was very uplifting!

  3. That was so touching, Cat! I so hope he gets another chance to rise above the despair.

  4. So heartwarming. Glad that he got a second chance in life. Hope he is united with his son again and life smiles once again on him. Thanks for sharing, Cat :)

  5. Music is powerful and healing so hope he is able to use it to better his live and others too! ;) So inspiring to read stories such as this Cat: thanks for sharing! The world can certainly use a good dose of such stories. In fact, that is what I wrote as part of a letter to the editor recently in a local newspaper! And guess what? It didn't get published1 ;) <3


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