#Cherished Objects Blogfest

I signed up for the Cherished Blogfest Challenge a while back, forgetting that I’d be on vacation at my parents’ place. It’s a bit more challenging to blog while on vacation with all the routine gone, but it can be done.

Looking at the huge stack of photo books I’ve made of our visits over the years gave me an idea to use them as my cherished objects. I believe it’s important to preserve the memories by getting the photos off the camera and computer. By creating these books, people can look at them and cherish the memories for years to come.

Open a photo book and disappear
To another time, another year,
Memories come spilling out
So much that I’d forgotten about,

We’re older now and the boys have grown
It’s amazing how the time has flown,
I cherish the books more than silver or gold
I will cherish them as much when I grow old.

I am participating in the three day #Cherished Blogfest.


  1. I so agree with printing the cherished memories. We may have inadvertently lost about 5 years worth of photographs that were only on our hard drive thanks to a glitch :( Hoping it can be recovered. Your poems as always are beautiful!

    1. I do hope you are able to rescue your photos, Shailaja! Best of luck! I'm always worrying about losing mine and that's another reason I make the books.

  2. What a beautiful poem and lovie sentiments. I love photo albums and photo books too and have quite a stack of my own! :)

    1. They're so special, aren't they, Aditi? And they become more and more special as the years go by.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Aha! I have written about photo albums too. They are the best things to relive, reminisce and reflect on the captured moments. :)

    1. I enjoyed your post about photos and photo books, Shilpa. I can see you and think alike and value them so much. Wish more people did, too.

  4. The albums is something one cherish over time as it records the memories made in life. I love going back to my albums from time-to-time:)


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