N is for Nothing

Today I played flute at a volunteer lunch
When I returned, I faced a time crunch,
The words weren’t flowing, my head was foggy
I was feeling tired and a wee bit groggy,

So this poem is about NOTHING, NADA, NIL
Feel free to stop reading if you’ve had your fill,
I wrote about NOSTALGIA and NATURE today
Those poems went NOWHERE, I’m afraid to say,

But perseverance is my middle name
I must keep up with this blogging game,
So I dive into the writing NOW and away I go
In India, it’s Friday and they’re on the letter O!

This April I am participating in the A-Z Challenge 

and the NaPoWroMo Challenge NaPoWriMo where I will write a post and a poem for each letter of the alphabet each day in April except for Sundays.


  1. Sane advice for the the new generation

    1. Hi Usha. Nice to see you back with us. Hope you're doing well. Thanks for commenting.

  2. Well your 'nothing' poem turned into a 'something' poem Cat! ;) Doesn't it seem unfair that India is one day ahead of us posting and reading and commenting? ;) <3

    1. Thanks, Elly. Yes, it is aggravating about the time difference as usually I'm running behind as it is and struggling to keep up. Oh well. At least I'm younger in Canadian time. If I was in Mumbai I'd be 10 and a half hours older. Hehehe!

  3. Nice one. Loved it. Better to write about going nowhere otherwise blankly at the screen you'll have to stare.

    1. Cute reply, Suzy, you poetess, you! Glad you enjoyed my NONSENSE poem. Thought it was better to write something rather than NOTHING.

  4. Replies
    1. Awww, you're kind, Shilpa. Thanks, my dear!

  5. Clever! Leave it to you, to turn nothing into something good, Cathy. ☺ Yes, it sure is difficult to keep up but it will all even out in the end.

    1. I hope you're right, Debbie cause I'm a scramblin right now, but such is the life of a pantser. Thanks for reading my humble little ditties.

  6. I feel your pain! I struggle with "nothing" quite often, as a matter of fact. ;) Still, very well done in spite of it all!

    1. Thanks, Laurel. Glad you could relate to my dilemma when you feel writer's block and the silly muse steps in to save the day.

  7. That was so wonderful! Your nothing gave us a lot of thing to think upon :) You are awesome Cathy! :)

    1. Aw, thanks, Parul. You are kind about my nonsense poem. I like being silly on occasion. It's fun! Must go and read your posts. Sorry I'm so behind!

  8. "In India, it’s Friday and they’re on the letter O!" Hahaha Cathy, that's such a fun poem! You are amazing! N is for Nothing you say, but you said so much and so beautifully too :)


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