A to Z blogging challenge - A is for Art

I've signed up for the A to Z blogging challenge. Nothing like a challenge and a deadline to get a person writing regularly. And I love to read all the creative blog posts of other people in the challenge. There's so much creativity out there that I can't help but be inspired.

For the challenge, I will create my own inspirational poster each day combining one of my own photos and a quote on a subject that begins with that day's letter.

And I will include a poem or piece of prose with it, depending on what I'm inspired to write that day.

To begin, I have chosen:

A is for Art.

Creating art is creating life, the process is the same

Splash some paint on your canvas and see it as a game,

Write those words upon that page, strut your stuff upon a stage

Play your instrument or sing a song

Don’t let them say you’re doing it wrong,

For art is life, and life is art

Full of love, straight from the heart.


  1. I think it is true that everyone is an artist, in some form or another.

    Popped in from the AtoZ Challenge.


    1. Thanks for stopping by, Tami. My, you were quick! :)

  2. I adore this post and as an artist, this image and its words touch me deeply! I hope you don't mind if I copy and post it.

    Yes, there is no "wrong" in art. Art is to be appreciated from the artist's stand point. There is no right way. Nice post!

    1. Thanks very much, beachlover/Linda. Sure, I don't mind if you share it with the link to the post. That would be fine and I'm flattered. :) Writercat59/Cathy/Cate

  3. I love the call to follow your heart, and be creative, Cat. Nicely written.

    1. Thanks, Corinne. Thought it was a good reminder to me as I begin the challenge.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks for stopping by, Chocolattez! Love your username. Drools!

  5. Beautifully stated. I'm looking forward to seeing what other lives you create, that is IF you dump the word verification. It's against the AtoZ rules anyhow.


    1. OOPS! I will try and fix that, Joyce. Sorry about that. Thanks for commenting. I always enjoy your posts and look forward to reading them.

    2. I turned it off, Joyce. Hopefully it won't do the annoying captcha thingie anymore. Thanks for the reminder.

  6. I love your theme! I love quotes myself. Nice poem too. :)

    Your fellow A-Z challenger,

    1. Thanks very much, Dee for stopping by. Good luck with the challenge!

  7. Without heart there is no art! Love this, Cate xx

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Gill! All the best with the challenge! Go, girl!

  8. What a beautiful image--is that really a photograph? I love the quote, too. I'm doing art as my subject for A-Z and that quote captures the essence of the artist so perfectly.

    1. Hi Elaine. Thanks for stopping by. I'm glad the quote resonated so well with you. Yes, it is a photograph I took of clouds at sunset taken on a trip to Prince Edward Island. I used a filter on it in Picasa to make the clouds a more vibrant colour. They remind me of a vibrant watercolour painting.

  9. YAY! I agree. You humans are always so worried about what others will think. Me and Loup never do that!

  10. Love this! My life comes alive at my Art Group each week, so yes, Art is Life and one can also say Life is an Art..... :-) M


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