Wordy Wednesday - Teen Turmoil

It's Wordy Wednesday time at Blog-a-Rhythm! Woohooo! Once again, I am motivated to produce, knowing that deadlines come even faster based on time zones in India and that the Linky will be locked in no time! I thought I'd better get in gear and do Wordy Wednesday, especially since it's my prompt this week. I had fun writing this, remembering the turbulent teen years where you could be an emotional wreck one moment and in a state of bliss the next. Emotions were so heightened and raw and you felt like the whole world was scrutinizing you, looking at every flaw, which they weren't of course. You often felt insecure about friendships, worried about being slighted or cast aside for someone more interesting. I constantly fluctuated between admiration and jealousy towards my best friend who was so much more outgoing than me and more popular with the boys. I was so shy I didn't even have a boyfriend as a teenager. As a teen, everything was such a huge deal and ...