In Between

I love Queen of Your Own Life's daily posters as they're always so uplifting and positive. Today's message resonated with me. I've always hated “in between” as I transition from one thing to another. It’s an unsettling feeling to switch gears and start something new. Even as a kid, I never liked having to quit one activity to start another, especially if I was enjoying myself. I feel like I’m in that stage today after getting back from vacation and having to get back into my routine again. It is a bit of a struggle but eventually I will find my groove again. So much of our lives are those “in between” moments which we see as unimportant while we transition to the important events. Even when I worked as an opaquer painting cartoon cells back in the 1980s, junior animators were always given the task of doing the "in between" cells that showed a character's less important movements in between the major ones that the senior animato...