#Monday Musings - Keeping Going Through Adversity

Last week I had a horrible bout of a 24 hour flu with a lovely visit to Vomitland (love that description. Thanks, Liz!) that rendered me weak and useless for a day or two. Now I have a head cold that I caught from the hubs. I just had a humongous nosebleed this morning due to my nose being so irritated. That added to Daylight Savings Time, and my awful menopausal hot flashes making it so hard to sleep, it's no wonder I am one cranky bit….er lady these past few days. All these physical challenges are wearing me down and yet, I still have lots to be grateful for. Being sick sure makes me appreciate being healthy. Keeping a positive attitude and a sense of humour is extra challenging, but worth the effort. Giving up and becoming a whiny drudge doesn’t help anything. I remember my dear departed mother in her final years. She had many health challenges and was too frail to do a lot at the end of her life. I’m sure she would have liked to travel more as she always loved tra...