Z is for..

I've really enjoyed the challenge and the way it's forced me to write something every day. Mostly I've enjoyed connecting with other bloggers from around the world. It's been lots of fun and I hope we can continue to connect. Here is a short dialogue piece I wrote based on the letter Z for inspiration. I enjoy the challenge of trying to write totally in dialogue like a play. “Do you know you were once a zygote, Zara?” “Mom, Zack called me a goat!” “Quiet! I’m not taking you guys to the zoo if you keep this up.” “Zack started it.” “Hey, Zara is that a zit I see?” “You’re one to talk, Zombie Face!” “You kids are driving me nuts. Who needs to go to the zoo when it’s like one here?” “Zack’s the zany one. He should spend more time on his math instead of zooming around on his scooter. Do you know he got zero on his test?” “Is that true, Zack? You didn’t tell me.” “Zara, for that I’m going to zap you with my zippy zig zag zinger gu...