Letters of Love

I remember reading about the problem of homeless people and suggestions to give them knapsacks with food and warm clothing in them. Negative naysayers (they’re everywhere!) said that wouldn’t solve the problem and they would still be homeless. My thought was that even if doesn’t solve the bigger problem, at least it touches another human being and shows that someone cares. Isn’t that worth something? Being so fortunate to live in a peace-loving country like Canada, it’s hard for me to imagine what people in war zones go through. I can’t help thinking about recent victims of war such as the Syrian refugees, especially the orphaned children, so lost and alone. What can I do to help them in their plight? Like the homeless people, I can’t solve the huge problems that the refugees face, but surely I can show I care in some small way. I found it so uplifting to read about Letters of Love , an initiative started by 23 year old Pooja Pradeep, an engineering student in India. He...