Have a Gratitude-Filled Week!

I must admit that there are some days that I don't jump out of bed all enthusiastic and in love with life. Some days I have a grey cloud of worry or negative, guilty thoughts floating over my head. The best cure for the neggies, I've found is to read positive affirmations like Queen Of Your Own Life and practice gratitude. This week I'm grateful for many things. I'm linking up to two Gratitude linkups this week. I'm so grateful to include Laurel and Vidya among my wonderful writer friends. First is Laurel Reagan's Gratitude List over at her blog, www.alphabetsalad.com Laurel's Gratitude List Second is Vidya Sury's Gratitude Circle over at her blog www.vidyasury.com Vidya's Gratitude List . Feel free to post about gratitude and link up with other grateful bloggers at either one or both of these wonderful blogs. No matter how bleak or gloomy things may appear, there is always something to be gratef...