The Bridge

I am writing this to the picture prompt for Wordy Wednesday at Blog A Rhythm. We're supposed to write a minimum of 100 words. Since I like the challenge of writing to an exact word count, I made it exactly 100 words. Two men are walking towards Heaven’s Pearly Gates. First Man: I can’t wait to get to Heaven. It’s gonna be great! Nobody is as good a Christian as I am. A crowd is gonna be waiting to welcome me. Second Man: I know you. In life, you were an evil, selfish man who hurt many people. First Man: Lies, all lies! The bridge crumbles and the first man falls into the fiery Hell below. AAGGGGGGGGGGGGH! The bridge reappears and the second man continues walking to Heaven’s Gates. Second Man: That’s what you get for building walls instead of bridges, Donny.