UBC Day 29 - Take a risk!

How will we know how great we could be if we don’t try new things and work towards difficult goals? Who knows? We might surprise ourselves and discover talents and strengths we didn’t know we had. We owe it to ourselves to take that risk. Isn’t Alan Alda great? I always loved him as Hawkeye in MASH. As he wisely says in this quote, we don’t have to know what we’re doing and we can learn and make mistakes as we go along. I find that so freeing as I’ve often been inhibited from taking a risk because I thought I had to be an expert at something right from the beginning. Long ago, when computers were clunky things that took up the whole room, a computer gave me music as an elective on my grade 9 timetable. I had asked for typing. Instead of changing it, I decided to take the risk of trying it and it turned out to be my favourite course in high school. When I first picked up the flute, I could barely get a note out of it. I’d blow and blow into it until I was dizzy...