The Call of the Wind - Day Seven #BlogAThon

I am participating in the BarAThon with the blogging group, Blog a Rhythm for the weeks of June 14 to 30th. Today is the final prompt. We made it! Congratulations to my fellow bloggers and thanks for reading and supporting me. Always appreciated! Today's prompt is "The Call of the Wind." I got my inspiration thinking about walking along Point Michaud on the Atlantic, located on the East coast of Canada in Cape Breton, a place I love very much. The Call of the Wind The call of the wind is beckoning me It reaches out from the angry sea, With a darkening sky and clouds so low The wind is calling and I must go, I stand so still and let the wind blow I should go back but my feet won’t go, Wind rips at my hair and stings my eyes The wind squeals and shrieks, with pitiful cries, I stand on the beach and look at the ocean Watching the waves with their steady motion, Wave after wave crashes on the shore I watch them recede on the sandy...