Theme Reveal #AtoZChallenge 2017

I wasn't thinking of doing the A to Z Challenge this year but reading everyone else's Theme Reveal has gotten me enthused and remembering how much fun it is to do. So I guess I'll take the plunge and do my usual "Winging it" style, writing the post on the day it's due. Why change? Planning ahead? Ha! Not my style. So I have decided that my theme will be: DRUM ROLLLLLLLLL Poetry, Pics and Prose These combine my three favourite things and should one fail me one day, the others will surely come to the rescue. I like to have options. I will try to vary it but some days a photo or a quickly whipped up poem might have to suffice for the day. Prose is harder but I will try when the inspiration hits. I have been doing the FMS Photo A Day challenge for March and have been enjoying that very much. Those lucky Australians with their beautiful summery beach vistas while Canada is still slogging through the end of winter. So much talent there and so many m...