Wordy Wednesday - The Many Sides of Facebook

I am writing a poem for this week’s Wordy Wednesday  prompt at Blog-A-Rhythm using the words irritate, instant, inspire and insight in the poem.

The Many Sides of Facebook

Facebook, you irritate me like a stone in my shoe!
I often wonder if there’s hope for you,
So fake and phony, so nasty and mean
Rude and obnoxious, and often obscene,

At the risk of sounding like a grump
Enough with the posts about Donald Trump
Enough with the gossip, enough with the fluff
I tell you Facebook, I’ve had enough!

I want to see cats, cats and cats galore
Isn’t that what Facebook’s for?
Or vintage photos and lovely quotes
Uplifting stories and encouraging notes,

In an instant , you can change, you can touch and inspire
With insight and kindness, I can’t help but admire,
Facebook, sometimes you’re really there
I love it when you show you care,

That’s the Facebook I want to see
Enough of all this stupidity!


  1. Lol - facebook is for sharing cat pictures.. that would make it a cute place. You summed up social media so well.

    1. Thanks Tulika! I think they should rename it Catbook, don't you? MEOW!

  2. Ah! The mere thought of a very positive and uplifting concept to 'Facebook' makes me smile on this warm Thursday morning.
    'If only' Cat....if only. :)

    1. A girl can dream, can't she, Sid? Thanks for commenting!

  3. You have my vote for this new and improved Facebook too!
    You have included all the prompts... soooo cool, Cathy!! :)

    1. Thanks, Shilpa. Wouldn't it be great if Facebook was always positive and uplifting. That would be ideal!

  4. You always write the best poetry, Cat. Facebook just made me angry this morning. Thankfully, I've got very few political posts in my feed. If a post upsets me, I just flag it as something I don't want to see. If I get too many from one person, I just hide that person from my feed. I much prefer all the steampunk and Hello Kitty (cat!) stuff from my cousins. :)

    1. Lovely to hear from you, Loni. Sorry I've been out of touch and not going to your blog as much as I would like. I always enjoy your writing.

      Thanks for the comments on my Facebook poem. I can imagine that FB would make you angry. Some of the stuff on there is so aggravating and all this political stuff is especially bad. I feel for the Americans and what you're facing these days. Steampunk and Hello Kitty stuff does sound better than Donald Trump posts any day, I agree!

  5. Oh yes...that's the kind of Facebook we all want! Full of positivity and hope and loads of love and laughter brought about by some very adorable animal pictures and videos!

  6. I love this awesome Facebook!!

    Honestly, half the time I want to delete my account and go look for good things happening in the world. Which doesn't seem like a bad idea now.

    1. Thanks, Soumya. So true that Facebook has the potential to be so awful and so good. Wish it was more toward the good.

  7. Inspiring and creative use of all the prompts on one of my favourite subjects. Cat, my girl, you've got this one in the bag!

    1. Thanks so much, Shailaja! Made my day to get picked for the week. Thanks for the boost.

  8. This is the first poem I'm reading by you, and I really liked it!

    Facebook is really irritating at times. You get alerts for all the random reasons, about things that you wouldn't care to know about even if it was staring right in your face!

    And the simplicity of Facebook has long since disappeared. It's just an area for app developers to show their skills now. It's no longer a place where friends could connect and talk to each other.

    Sad truth it is. The only thing that's keeping me from deactivating Facebook is the fact that we bloggers use it to talk and encourage each other! :)

    1. Thanks for commenting and encouraging me on my poem, Mithila. I appreciate you dropping by. Yes, FB has changed a lot and not necessarily for the better.

  9. Well deserved win!! Cat I loved your poem!! Perfect! All things facebook is and does. Congratulations!!

    1. Thanks very much, Inderpreet. Always appreciated.


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