#MicroblogMonday - Small Actions Do Make a Difference

My family has a band made up of me on flute, my husband on bass clarinet, one son on tenor sax and the other on drums. We play music at the Presbyterian church we attend every third Sunday. 

Our church congregation are a traditional, conservative bunch, not known for displaying too much emotion and often I assume that no one cares much if we play or not.

Yesterday I was at a funeral for one of the members. A woman came up to me and told me how much she loves to see my sons perform and how the music just pours out of us. She always looks forward to the Sundays when we are performing and how much our music means to her.

Her appreciation for our music reminded me that even small actions can have a big impact.

It also reminded me that if someone does make a difference, it’s important to thank them and show your appreciation. Never assume that people know already as often they’re like me and don’t think that these small actions are a big deal.

Never underestimate the good you can do in the world by your small actions and your appreciation of others. These small things make more of a difference than you realize.

I am writing this post as part of the Microblog Mondays linkup over at What is MicroBlog Mondays?


  1. True Cat...It's the small gestures that make the difference

    1. We tend to forget that small things are bigger than we think. Thanks for commenting, Naba!

  2. That's so true, Cathy. Every little action ends up creating a ripple effect somewhere in the universe.

    1. Good to remember that we can make a difference, no matter how small it may seem. Thanks, Beloo!

  3. Very sweet post ! Kathy, I am curious to hear and see you and your family performing.

    1. Aww, you're kind to want to hear us, Usha. That's so touching.

  4. I am so touched by this post, Cat. Simply because I understand where you come from when you say that the smallest things can make the biggest difference. Remember that beautiful card that you sent me? It came on a day that I felt especially low. It cheered me up no end. Such a tiny gesture but such a large impact. Lovely!

    1. I remember that day very well. Glad the card arrived when it did. We must never underestimate the good we can do with these supposedly small actions and also we need to acknowledge others when they do things that we appreciate.

  5. So very true, Cat - and often the little things seem to come at the most opportune times, just when we need them the most. I sometimes have an inner debate as to whether or not to express something I'm feeling about someone, or something I admire, as I wonder if they'll think it's silly or weird. But whenever I've pushed past the insecurities and spoken up, it's always been worth it. :)

    1. I agree that it's good to push past the insecurities and tell the person of your appreciation. I've always found it to be worth it. Small actions and appreciations make more of a difference than we think.

  6. Thanks for the reminder Cat - showing/expressing appreciation is so important. It might be just a small thing for us yet it might make a huge difference to someone.

  7. So true, tulika. I truly believe that and have experienced it time and time again.

  8. True, Cat! As my tagline for the blog says, It's all about the little things in life!! :) Wonderful post.

    1. All those little things are important, aren't they? Thanks for your comment!

  9. That is awesome. It is the little things that matter most.

    1. They really do and it's easy to think that they're unimportant. Good to be reminded from time to time.

  10. It's an important message because you could have decided to stop playing if you hadn't heard that. Bloggers can stop writing if they don't have the support, friends drift away if they don't know they're appreciated.

  11. Yes, it's the little things that count sometimes isn't it? And expressing gratitude/appreciation for them helps too! :) <3

  12. You are so right about that, Cathy! Usually, you only get feedback when there's something wrong. Those moments of praise are few and to be treasured. A client sent me a thank you card recently and it truly made my week! :)

  13. So true Cat. Little things can sometimes mean more than big things. Nice one and how awesome that you are a musical family.


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