Fifteen Minutes of Fame - Wordy Wednesday

I am participating in Blog A Rhythm's Wordy Wednesday 100 word blog post for this week using the following phrases:

Fast asleep
Fifteen minutes of Fame
Fly in the ointment
Four corners of the earth
It's a great challenge to fit in the phrases and come up with a coherent story in such a short word count. I managed to make it 100 words exactly. Not for the faint of heart, I tell ya!!


Sally pretended to be fast asleep but her sister poked her side.

“Go away, Belinda. I feel like I’ve traveled the four corners of the earth, I’m so tired.”

 “I hate to be a fly in the ointment but the earth doesn’t have corners.” 

“You’re just as bad saying a fly in the ointment."

“It’s an idiom meaning a minor irritation that spoils the enjoyment of something.”

“That’s you exactly, Belinda. Now what do you want?”

“Who’s Andy Warhol?

“He’s that artist who said we will all get our fifteen minutes of fame.”

“Why only fifteen minutes?”

“Go away!”


  1. Aha! You have woven all 4 prompts in such an interesting story, Cathy. This made me smile, for this is an every day occurrence at our home. :)

    1. I have to smile picturing you reading my post while I was reading yours. Thanks, Shilpa. Glad it made you smile and relate to the joys of sibling rivalry.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, Debbie. I like trying these challenges to keep up the writing habit. Haven't started that novel rewrite yet so at least I'm doing this.

  3. Ha ha.. that was funny. Sounded like my twins who delight in annoying each other.

    1. Thanks, Tulika. Glad I captured the feeling of siblings fighting.

  4. Oh, my friend, that was cleverly done:-) Really liked it Cathy:-) Hugs

    1. Thanks, Eli. You're a sweetie! Guess I'd better take a try at doing this week's challenge, too.

  5. That's was very well done, Cat. You did justice to all 4 prompts. :)


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