A Special Guest Post from Shilpa Gupte

I’m happy to introduce my lovely new friend Shilpa Gupte from Mumbai in India. In honour of Valentine's Weekend, we thought we would each do guest posts on each others' blogs to celebrate our friendship.

Shilpa is doing a guest post on my blog today and I am doing a guest post on hers that you can find here. Cat Guest Post on Shilpa's Blog 

Shilpa and I met in the Blog-A-Rhythm group, a fun group of very supportive bloggers run by Shailaja Vishwanath, a really fun lady and a great writer. 


Many of the bloggers live in India like my friend Shilpa who is from Mumbai. I love meeting people around the world and am especially excited to learn about India as it’s such a fascinating country with cultures, languages and climates quite different from Canada but yet similar in many ways.

I'm so proud to be a 

Thanks for all you do to make BAR fun, Shailaja!

Take it away, Shilpa......

It has been a year since I began blogging  at the insistence of my friend, who felt I needed to add some zing to my life.  I give her complete credit for the place I am in right now! My entry in the blogosphere not only opened up new doors for me, but also brought me in contact with some amazingly talented people! People with whom I shared so much in common, that it surprised me no end! People with whom I struck an instant  friendship, which drove away my loneliness. 

It felt a lot like my childhood days, when I would search for pen-pals from around the world. Just look at my luck -- I found not one, but so many of them! So many of them from whom I got a chance to learn a lot, about blogging, about relationships, about life, the list goes on. 

Recently, I  happened to meet a charming soul, Cat Graham, with whom I happen to share my other hobby - sketching. What an instant connection it was! Am I glad I came onto the NET? Yes! I most certainly am! And, she has so graciously requested me to write a guest post for her blog! Another 'first' for me, which makes me feel so happy and proud of myself. 
I am sharing some of my sketches here, Cat. And, thank you, once again, for this invitation. You are a darling. May this friendship blossom into a wonderful association, lasting a life time! 

Thanks so much for agreeing to do a guest post on my blog, Shilpa! Love your drawings! They're wonderful! This was fun! Let's hear it for this special online friendship that connects us despite the distance .


  1. As i mentioned yesterday on Shilpa's blog, I think this is a lovely idea! Blog love at its best! Should I be miffed that neither of you mentioned me by name, as the force that brought you together? ;) Hmph. Never mind. I have my means of exerting revenge

    1. Aww, poor Shailaja. Didn't mean to omit mentioning you. Just in a hurry to get the post up for Valentine's Day as I was gone to Ottawa for the whole day with the hubby. Now I've revised my post and given a shout out to you and BAR as I am grateful for being a part of such a great group. Hugs to Shailaja, another wonderful blogging friend across the miles!

    2. Oh my goodness! I was totally kidding, Cat! But, I am not going to say No to a shout out ;) How sweet of you to edit and include that in the post. Hmm, maybe those pointy boots can stay in the closet for this time ;)

    3. Shailaja, I am so sorry, I did not mention you in my post, when, actually, YOU are the reason I met so many lovely people. APOLOGIES, my dear!

  2. Such a great idea to do this today! Wished I had thought of it, might have been a good (better) idea for me considering my topic today...oh well! I SO love your sketches Shilpa: they are wonderful. It is challenging to draw people and I am so amazed at yours of the man. Keep it up! :) <3

    1. Actually it was you and Vinodini that gave me the idea, Elly since I remembered you two doing guest posts on each other's blogs a while ago. Thanks for the inspiration.

    2. Thank you, Elly! I am doing my best, as far as the sketching goes! :-)

  3. Beautiful sketches and such a wonderful idea too...My take away from this post is that blogging apart from being liberating also gives us friends who share the same passion and don't ridicule the fact that we like to write for nothing except the love for it:)

    1. Isn't it great how the Internet brings us together this way, Naba? I am passionate about my writing but I especially love my writing friends like Shilpa and You! It makes it a less lonely process to have writing friends who understand.

  4. What a great idea this is. Why don't I get such brainwaves? I loved your sketches Shilpa. The doggy is my personal favourite.

    1. Thanks for dropping by, Tulika. Glad you enjoyed our idea to do the guest posting. We had fun doing it.

    2. Thank you so much, Tulika! And, yes, we had fun doing the posts and posting them on time for V Day!


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