TMI: 26 Things About Me #Blogfest

Debbie Doglady is hosting a Blogfest over on her blog

where we can share these 26 questions and learn a bit more about each other. 

She has a Linky set up that is open for a month should you care to join in on the fun and want to share your post.

Here are my questions and answers. Some answers were sad and some were silly, but all in good fun, right?

I roll up my sleeves and giggle with glee
As I fill in the 26 things about me,
Should I 
make stuff up or tell it straight?
Just hurry up, Cathy. It's getting late!

Will anyone care about this fluff?
Does anyone even read this stuff?

It's good for a laugh and all in fun
I promise to read yours if you do one!
So here I go without further adieu
My 26 things about me for you!

A Age 56 (December 21, 1959)

B Biggest fear - losing my family in a tragic way 

C Current time Mid morning, almost noon and I’m being lazy lolling about in pjs. Hey, it’s Saturday!

D Drink you last had – COFFFEEEEEEEE!

E Every day starts with COFFFFEEEEEEE!

F Favourite Song – I don’t really have one. I like so many, how could I possibly pick just one? I love whatever we’re singing in choir or whatever pieces I’m playing on the flute with my harpist friend. I like some band stuff we do, too, but am growing tired of some of them since we’ve played them to death.

G Ghosts – Are they real? I don’t think so but don’t know for sure. Some things defy explanation.

H Hometown – Don’t really have one since I was a military kid. I guess I could call Ottawa my hometown now after 29 years of living here.

I In love with – my family, my pets, my birdies and furry friends, my camera and computer for being my devices for self expression

J Jealous of – Those who seem to have it all together, seem confident and seem so organized. Wish I was more like that.

K Killed someone – Only in my imagination. HONEST!

L Last time you cried – When my mom died. I still get moments of intense sadness that wash over me at times with the realization that I will never see or talk to her again. Sure miss her. Even though I knew time was growing short, it still didn’t make it any easier losing her so suddenly last November when she had a stroke that ended her life.

M Middle Name – Edith after my father’s mother

N Number of siblings – One younger brother

O One wish – that there was more peace and stability in the world and less hatred and poverty.

P Person you last called. I’m not a phone person but I did call my dad this morning just to chat as sometimes it’s good to hear a person’s voice. Since my dad is alone now, I do worry about him and it’s reassuring to talk on the phone.

Q Question you’re always asked. Do you have a sister? No, I don’t. Do I have that kind of a face or what?

R Reason to smile – My family, my cats, my dog, my beautiful birds and furry friends, my music, my friends online and off

S Sounds that annoy you – The cats fighting in the middle of the night, Daisy has a screech that could peel paint. Terrifying at 3am. Oh, and Leaf blowers – what a stupid and useless contraption that isn’t good for the environment. Use a rake, why don’t you?

T Time you woke up.  6:30 am. I usually get up at 5:30 and am a real morning person.

U Underwear colour – Geez – get personal why don’t you? A lovely grey white from hard water sprinkled with blue flowers.

V Vacation Destination – Favourite so far – Our trip to Germany this past March was wonderful Wish List – Australia and New Zealand before I’m too old to travel that far.

W Worst Habit – Negativity, self doubt and Procrastination. I have to constantly work on these things that seem to constantly plague me.

X Xrays you last had. For my back molar where I had a root canal and then a crown put on. I am sure I helped the dentist put their kids through university after all that expense.

Y Your Favourite Food – Chocolate, Chicken and Coffee – The three Cs

Z Zodiac Sign – Saggitarius – I am on December 21st so have even been called a Capricorn sometimes. Watch out! I have a bow and arrow! Zing!


  1. COFFEEEEE! Yes, indeed. ☺ Your poem was a fun added bonus. Yes, people do read this fluff, all the time. I think it's human nature to be curious about others. Thanks for participating and have a good weekend.

    1. Thanks, Debbie for a fun topic to blog about. I must go over to your Linky and do some commenting, too. This was fun. Good to be blogging again.

  2. I enjoyed reading this ' fluff'! And a cute poem too!

    1. Thanks for dropping by, Angelika. Glad you enjoyed the fluff. I enjoyed reading about you. Good luck with your latest book!

  3. This is such a fun post, Cathy. Got to know a bit about you too! I think I should take this up, considering the drought on my blog! I am a Saggi too and we are separated by just a day... it's Dec 20th for me :)

    1. Thanks, Shilpa. Wow, our birthdays are close, aren't they? Hope you do the Blogfest, too. I know all about eh drought on a blog. I've been going through that big time. Hope I can rectify that.

  4. I love you, Cathy, truly I do! Love your answers. :) I might join in - although I too wonder who'll read? Hahaha. You had me hooked at coffee, you know! Hugs! Thank you for your lovely comment on my cartoon quote post! I wish you were going with me to Finding Dory today - indulging my son who's home for the holidays.

    1. Thanks, Vidya. I wish I could have gone to Finding Dory with you, too. I'm a cartoon nut like your son. I really enjoyed your cartoon post a lot and it brought back such warm and fun memories of my cartoon passion.

  5. Hey, that was fun, Cat! Got to know a little bit more about you! :)

    1. Thanks, Shilpa. It was fun to do. Hope you do one, too.

  6. Such an adorable post as always. Hugs to you for missing your mom, dearest Cat.

    1. Thanks for the kind words about my mom, Shailaja. Much appreciated. Hugs to you, too.

  7. You have 'coffee' addiction too? Damn. I always thought you were a tea person. Perhaps because of the comments on 'Shailaja's' tea statuses on Facebook' :D
    Lovely to know a bit more about you, Cat!

    1. I love tea almost as much as coffee but it doesn't give me the kickstart I need in the morning so coffee it is! Thanks for the nice comment, Sid.

  8. I will be waiting for you Australia trip... I find your pictures of birds and flurry animals so fascinating :D So nice to know more about you :D

    1. I daydream about going to Australia and NZ to visit friends and really hope I make it a reality for my 60th birthday maybe which is 3 years away. Something to dream about. I did go to England for my 50th and visit FB friends back in 2009. Would love to visit you, too, Raj. I'll watch you do all your yoga moves but don't expect me to join in. My body is not a pretzel like yours!!

  9. Loved your poem, Cathy! :)
    So you're a coffee person too, huh?
    Hey, I love your birds and furry friends too! I look forward to their pics on Facebook!

    1. Aw, thanks so much for the kind words, Chicky. Glad you enjoy my birds and furry friends pics. I love sharing them. Wish we were closer to have a cuppa together.

  10. This is so fun! Thank you for sharing.
    I am a Saggi too :)

    1. Thanks, Parul. Much appreciated. We Saggitarius types are special!

  11. Love your answers, Cathy! "a screech that could peel paint" — LOL :D "Grey-white from hard water" — another (very loud) LOL. And I'm with you on the leaf blowers... When did we (as a society) get so freakin' lazy, man? I love these Q&A hops... It's not so much the actual questions, or even the actual information shared, but the way we choose to answer that I find reveals the essence of a person. And you, Cathy, sound like someone I'd love to know :) So glad you joined Debbie's challenge!
    Guilie @ Quiet Laughter

    1. Thanks so much Guilie for your nice comments. I am going to go check out your post, too. Yes, how we answer these silly questions is what makes them fun, indeed.

  12. Great poem, I always wonder if folks read it too, but then I realize it's some of the most fun stuff to read. I love it!
    Happy Monday!

    1. Thanks so much, Yolanda! Appreciated you visiting my blog.

  13. COFFEEEEE! I'm with you on this one! Got to have my daily dose! Yes, the pain of losing a parent never goes away. It does get easier with time, but I still think about my mum every day. Glad you have family around you too! Loved learning about you. Yes, I took part as well. Hope you can visit me and learn some things about me too! :-)

    1. Thanks for dropping by, Denise. I appreciate it. Must go check out the Linky and comment on your post.

  14. Oh, and I'm from Australia. Hope you get Down Under soon!

  15. Both my parents passed within a few months of each other, and it is not an experience I recommend. Enjoy all the time you can with your Dad! Sadly, we realize all too late in life that time is the most precious thing we have.

    1. How sad to hear how you lost both parents in such a short time period. My heart goes out to you. I agree with you that it comes so late to realize just how precious our time is. Oh, how I wish I could get back that wasted time of youth. Thanks for your comment.

  16. This is my first time at your blog but I love you for the COFFFEEE! I'm a coffee person, too. Some great answers.

    1. Thanks, Kathleen. Wish we could get together for coffee but I guess we'll just have to have a virtual one together. Cheers! *clinks cup with Kathleen's cup*

  17. The minute you wrote coffeeeee, I knew we were soul mates! You must join our coffee klatch. We have a lot of fun. Denise, the one just above me here, is in that klatch. Great to meet you on this hop.

    1. Lovely to meet you! Wish we could go for coffee in person but a virtual coffee klatch sounds like fun. I must hop over to that Linky and check out your post.

  18. I am sorry about your mom. Expecting it never makes it easier. Glad to ge tto know you.

    1. Thanks for the kind comment about my mom. Kind of you to drop by my blog.


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