Summer Moments in the Country - June 24, 2016

In summer, I like to ride my bike in the evenings when it’s cooler and the lighting is golden which makes for beautiful photos.

Last night I took a ride down a country road and watched the farmer making hay bales. He was making the old fashioned square kind as opposed to the round Muffett style. Every now and then he had to stop and open up his special bale maker and move the spools around containing the wire binding twine.

I passed these two horses and of course I had to stop and say hello to them. These two looked so golden in the evening light. I noticed they were followed by a big flock of brownish-black birds and realized they must be cow birds. Now I know why they are called that. They don’t moo after all! They just like to follow horses and cows around because that’s where all the flies are.

This lovely boy noticed me taking his photo and even posed for me.

I took photos of these daisies in the evening sun, their golden faces upturned and smiling. I love daisies! Such a cheerful and happy flower that says carefree summertime.

Taking photos makes me really pay attention and look at things that I might have not noticed otherwise. Even after living out here in the country for 25 years, there is always something new for me to discover as no moment is ever the same. And I'm not the same either.


  1. Such a lovely post this. I too love to cycle, but have never done much of it here in the US. Mostly because I have always lived in busy cities and apartments, where storage of the cycle was an issue. We have now bough our first house in a suburb, so cycling is one of the many things I am looking forward to. :)

    1. Hope you get a chance to get out on your bike. I really love it. So therapeutic, both physically and mentally.

  2. Such a lovely post this. I too love to cycle, but have never done much of it here in the US. Mostly because I have always lived in busy cities and apartments, where storage of the cycle was an issue. We have now bough our first house in a suburb, so cycling is one of the many things I am looking forward to. :)

  3. That was a nice peaceful and calm summer outing. I have never really got the opportunity to visit a farm, feel the fresh breeze or experience farming at close quarters. Truly envy you

    1. Thanks for your comment. Sometimes it seems a bit quiet out here in farm country but I do like living here.

  4. Ah! The joy of cycling :) Lovely photographs, Cat. And I enjoyed the 'story' you told through the images and your descriptions too.

  5. Ya know, Cat, one day we'll take that ride together. You on the cycle, me running along stopping every two minutes to gaze at your beautiful area. And click photos. I feel the warmth of your post and it makes me so happy! Hugs! It is fascinating to watch farmers at work.

    1. I'd love to take a bike ride with you, Vidya. Wouldn't that be fun?


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