Theme Reveal #AtoZChallenge 2017

I wasn't thinking of doing the A to Z Challenge this year but reading everyone else's Theme Reveal has gotten me enthused and remembering how much fun it is to do.

So I guess I'll take the plunge and do my usual "Winging it" style, writing the post on the day it's due. Why change? Planning ahead? Ha! Not my style.

So I have decided that my theme will be: DRUM ROLLLLLLLLL

Poetry, Pics and Prose

These combine my three favourite things and should one fail me one day, the others will surely come to the rescue. I like to have options.

I will try to vary it but some days a photo or a quickly whipped up poem might have to suffice for the day. Prose is harder but I will try when the inspiration hits.

I have been doing the FMS Photo A Day challenge for March and have been enjoying that very much. Those lucky Australians with their beautiful summery beach vistas while Canada is still slogging through the end of winter. So much talent there and so many members. A bit overwhelming but I have been enjoying it and it helps perk me up through the drab days of winter.

Wonder if I could manage to do both. Will have to ponder that one a bit.

I look forward to reading others' blogs and commenting. The camaraderie shared during the A to Z challenge is the best part about doing it other than the fun of that daily creative challenge which some days can be downright aggravating, eh, guys? I love it when creativity flows but some days, it doesn't and that's okay, too.

It's all for fun and friendship, Cathy, remember that! I'm not in it for the fame and fortune or I would have given up blogging years ago.

Happy Blogging everyone and good luck with the challenge!

And here's a cute photo of my cat, Kobie just because I like to share cute pics of my cat, Kobie, so there!


  1. Woot..woot. I am so glad that you have decided to take the plunge. Count me in! I will be dropping by your blog. Happy A to Z :)
    Sawasdee Thailand at Kohl Eyed Me
    Indian Dishes at Something's Cooking

    1. Thanks, Shalini and I will try my best to visit your two blogs. Wowsers! Two blogs. I have enough trouble maintaining one. Kudos to you!

  2. I'm thrilled you've decided to join in, Cathy! It always amazes me that you can come up with such great posts on the spur of the moment. Happy A to Z-ing!

    1. Thanks, Debbie. You're kind to say that about my posts. Time will tell. Looking forward to hanging out with you and the gang in April. Always a good time.

  3. Now that should be fun! And it does give you room to play around with each letter too. All the best!!

    1. Thanks, MG! I like to give myself lots of options should one fail me! Haha! Thanks for stopping by and all the best with the challenge!

  4. Looks like fun!! I was so confused that it took me until yesterday to convince myself to participate! Let's sail in this together!!

    Shubhangi @ The Little Princess

    1. Glad to hear you're going to participate LP. It is good fun. Hope to read some of your posts. Thanks for dropping by!

  5. All the best, Cat. I'm not participating this time. Will visit you whenever possible. It is a delight to read you, Cat, especially your poetry. :)

    1. Sorry to hear you won't be joining in, Vinitha, but I appreciate your support to me and other bloggers doing the challenge.

  6. Woohoo glad you're in Cat. I love your poems. Look forward to your 3 Ps

    1. Thanks, Suzy. I always enjoy your poetry and wise philosophical insights about life, too! I look forward to reading your posts. Did you find a partner yet? I offered to be yours if you'd like as I don't have one either.

  7. I loved your little adorable; the butterfly sticker looks endearing on her.
    All the best for the challeneg- lets rock April!

    1. Thanks so much Shalzmojo. Appreciate the support. Yes, Kobie looks thrilled, doesn't he? Haha!

  8. I happy you decided to do it. It's always such a fantastic experience. I love meeting new people and new blogs.

    Have a nice challange!

    The Old Shelter - Theme Reveal - 1940s Film Noir

    1. Thanks for dropping by, Sarah. I have enjoyed doing A to Z in other years. It is a fun time meeting other bloggers and reading their work. I hope to read your posts. Happy writing!

  9. Glad you decided to join the challenge! It's a great theme, one that gives you scope to experiment a lot with each letter. But I will say this, writing the post on the day it's due is a little scary. (That's just me, of course.)
    Good luck! :)

    1. Thanks for your comment, Sreesha. Much appreciated. Yes, I am crazy writing the post on the day of the letter but it seems to be the way I operate. I love the pressure of that deadline pushing me on. I'm really not much of a planner.

      All the best with the challenge and good luck to you, too!

  10. You are so cute, Cat! I love your photo! You're an amazing writer with a great sense of humor and I look forward to your AtoZ posts! Glad you jumped in!

    1. Awwww, thanks Vidya! You are so cute, too! Thanks for the kind comments. Looking forward to the challenge and reading wonderful blogs like yours!


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