I need to go to Finishing School!

Do not plan for ventures before finishing what’s at hand.

More and more, I’m feeling scattered, going off in fifty different directions with my attention span grower shorter each day with every new distraction.

Just like my computer desktop with so many tabs open, my mind also has too many tabs open.

Sometimes I find it a curse to be interested in so many different things as I find it hard to focus on one thing at a time and even worse, I find it hard to finish things. No wonder the house looks like a bomb went off with so many unfinished projects lying around, waiting for me to rescue them.

I have made the commitment to myself to do something creative every day. Now I am making a commitment to finishing something every day, even if it’s just a small project.

A “to do” list with priorities does seem to help as I can finish something and feel a sense of accomplishment as I do it.

The time has come to slow down and focus on one project at a time. Really focus on it instead of flitting back and forth looking at email or Facebook, or thinking about the housework to be done, or another project that I want to start.

My daily affirmation will be: Do one thing at a time with your undivided attention and finish it.

Look, I finished this blog post. That feels great!

What about you? Do you have trouble focusing and finishing things?


  1. I agree... focus on one project and get it done... I love to check things off my list...

    1. The list idea really works well, doesn't it? I do find I get more finished with a list.

  2. Loved the way you spoke your heart....Sometimes I also feel scattered with many of my pending tasks :-)

  3. It is hard to get anything done if you don't focus and have a million things going at once. I am easily distracted and tend to be doing more than one thing at once. I have to force myself to stop and focus on one thing so I manage to get it done. Once I was filling the sink to wash dishes...then my son needed something. Then from there I remembered something else I needed to do. Then I let the dogs out. Then I realized I had flooded the kitchen. So it is great to focus. LOL

  4. This is a good affirmation. "Do one thing at a time with your undivided attention and finish it."
    Glad you are getting your groove.

    1. I'm still working at it, Inderpreet. Some days are better than others. I do like the feeling of accomplishment I get when I finish something. Thanks for your comment.

  5. Oh God I have so many things on my to-do list..I want to do it all but its the attention span that is the problem!

    1. I know what you mean, Naba. My attention span is short and I like to flit from thing to thing. I have to force myself to focus on one thing at a time.

  6. I can so relate to you Cat as I too have many interests. I have symptoms of ADD which is mainly distractibility; however, I can accomplish a lot. Sometimes I do flit from here to there and am a great starter....and have worked on and off on completing things. It is a great sense of satisfaction when that happens. Make sure you reward yourself when you do, even if a tiny 'treat' of some sort. I love your commitment to that: all the best! :) <3

    1. I guess a lot of people understand my dilemma. I think these days we have even more things to distract us even more. Facebook is a bad one for me.

      Thanks for the comment, Elly.


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