Dear Facebook

The prompt at WriteTribe this week is to write a letter to a friend.

Write Tribe

 Dear Facebook,

Thanks for always being there for me even when I’ve had a bad day or the big grey menopausal cloud of doom has been hovering over me. You’re always there for me 24/7. You don’t judge or criticize me and are a good listener.

I appreciate how I can come to you at anytime and express how I’m feeling, be creative, share a few jokes and connect with others. You have introduced me to some wonderful friends (even furry ones) and for that I am very grateful. I’ve even met some of these Facebook friends in person which I think is the best thing ever.

My one complaint would be that you do like to take up all my time when I should be doing other more productive tasks. You like to distract me when I should be focused on other things but just like a good piece of chocolate, you tempt me. It’s easy to be with you and I don’t have to think too much. We’re comfortable together, right?

I don’t like to be critical, but I do wish you’d stop changing your appearance so much as I like you the way you are. When you keep changing, I find it hard to figure you out. Maybe you have identity issues. I get it. Things change and you're trying to keep up. I get that, too.

I do find that sometimes you pretend and aren’t always what you appear to be. You can deceive me on occasion which isn’t very nice. I dislike fakes and don’t like it when you act that way. Why can’t you be honest and up front? When you act that way, I start to question your motives and intentions.

And I don’t really like that side of you that pursues financial gain. Money isn’t everything, you know.

Anyhow, I am grateful that you are always there for me any time of day like a true good friend should be and I do appreciate it.

Hope we’ll be friends for many years to come. Tell your friend Mark that I say hello.

Love Cat


  1. I was wondering why no one wrote a letter to FB. The "bestest" friend to everyone these days. Nice one. :)

    1. Thanks very much jyothisdayout. Appreciate you stopping by.

  2. Love your take on the prompt. I also wish FB would not keep changing - it gets too confusing. Nice one.

  3. Haha...nice one! FB isn't my best friend but was when I was at way to procrastinate! :D

    1. It's a great way to procrastinate, isn't it? Sigh!

  4. haha very cute! And I agree with your sentiment. Could you add my name to the bottom? :)

  5. LOL, oh I absolutely love this truth filled letter to Face Book. Such a little time sucker isn't it?? It is addictive and it sure beats being alone. This is awesome and just plain brilliant! ♥♥

    1. Thanks, Kathy. Yep. A real time suck but I enjoy it so much, I don't think I could give it up.

  6. Haha...I hope 'she' responds kindly! ;)

    1. Hahaha, Corinne. Facebook is a she? I like that!

  7. Wow, wonder FB takes a lot of our time an dis there when you want to share thoughts, views, jokes etc. Nevertheless, it could never turn out to be my best friend.

    I lvoe the way that you've been so honest about it. Thanks :)

  8. Haha this one was so different! and of course quite a fun post. We can all relate to it in one way or the other :D :D



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