Daydream Believer, that's me!

"All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses 
of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity; 
but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, 
for they may act their dream with open eyes, to make it possible."

-- Lawrence of Arabia (Thomas Edward Lawrence) (1888-1935) 

British Soldier, Arabist, and Writer

Vanity? Dreams show your vanity?  Not sure I agree with ol’ Lawrence but hey, didn’t Peter O Toole look dreamy wearing that sheik outfit in the movie, Lawrence of Arabia with his blue eyes against his tan and the white?

Night dreams don’t do that much for me since I tend to get a lot of nightmares, but daydreams, well, now you’re talking. Now Lawrence and I are on the same wavelength. 

Without daydreamers daydreaming great ideas, the world wouldn’t be as amazing as it is.

I’m a daydreamer from way back. Used to drive teachers crazy when I was supposed to be paying attention in class.

I think you have to be dreamer if you want to explore new ideas and invent new things. Your mind is always off in dreamland spinning tales or connecting ideas into something new and fresh.

Often I find myself daydreaming about stories in progress and I see my characters together acting out my story. Or I envision how I'm going to put a scrapbook of photos together, what photos to use, what theme and what colour schemes will work best. Now isn’t that much more fun than doing housework?

Without dreamers, nothing would get invented, painted, created or designed. Dreamers envision the impossible and make it happen.

I really don’t think daydreaming is a bad thing so if you’ll excuse me, it’s time to get back to it. La, la, laaaaaaaaaaaa.


  1. Great post, Cathy. I don't tend to daydream about myself (never dreamt of becoming a ballet dancer or the winner of a gold medal at the Olympics, for example). And I'm realistic enough to know I'll never hit the NYT best seller lists (not unless I can persuade a LOT of people to buy my books!). But I'm forever dreaming about my characters. I can see and hear them all the time in my mind!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Paula. We dreamers have to stick together. Yes, I have those far fetched kind of dreams where I'm signing copies of my bestseller book or I'm playing flute on stage surrounded by a world renowned orchestra. Fun to daydream and sure beats the heck out of housework. hehe! And I sure hear you about the characters talking in your head. Good thing we're writers or people would think we're crazy with all these voices talking in our head, eh?

    2. COOL is that...and i think you CAN make it on the best seller list!! :)

    3. I agree with Brenda, Paula. Keep writing and dreaming!

  2. I enjoyed your take on dreaming! As a cat lover, I also love the name of your blog! I'm visiting from GBE2! :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Tamara. Yay, another cat lover. Cat lovers unite! GBE2 is great, isn't it? I'm enjoying blogging again as I haven't blogged for ages.

  3. You may say I'm a dreamer.... but I'm not the only one....

    1. You're such a musical doggie, Rumpy. You should be on Youtube.

  4. Daydreaming is fine as long as you don't do it in my class.

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks so much for reading. Much appreciated!

  6. I too, spent much time day dreaming in class and I still day dream today. Sometimes, I have to tell myself to snap out of it! Day dreaming is perfectly fine...even better when we can combine our dreams with reality... :)

    1. Great to meet another day dreamer from way back. I agree that daydreaming isn't a bad thing and some of these daydreams can actually be good when we act on them and make them real.

      Thanks for stopping by.

  7. I'm a big daydreamer and have decided, in my old age, that daydreaming is just pre- writing! I think of things and suddenly a story or a blog is born. It's all good!

    Could you turn off the catchable? I really hate those things.

    1. Hi Jo. I like your idea of daydreaming being like pre-writing. I totally agree with you.

      Sorry about the annoying captcha thingie. Didn't know there was a way to turn it off. I'll have to look at the settings.


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