UBC Day 5 - In my next life I want to be my cat, Kobie

In my next life, I want to be a cat like my cat, Kobie.

He can sleep anywhere at any time of day, and never feels any guilt about it.

Kobie has a playful attitude and enjoys the moment.

Self pity and self doubt don’t exist in Kobie's world.

Kobie never worries about whether he’s measuring up to anyone else’s expectations.

Kobie basks in the adoration of humans catering to his every whim.

Kobie is impulsive and a real self starter. Sometimes it’s too much of a good thing.

Kobie's only worries are whether the food dish is full and the litter box is clean. What a great life!

Yes, in my next life I want to be a cat like Kobie, most definitely!

All this talk about wanting to be a cat makes me think of that great song from the "Aristocats", "Everybody wants to be a cat." I just had to share that, too. And this one has the words on it. Everybody sing now! 

Have a Kobie kind of a day, Everyone!


  1. Oh Cat! What a gorgeous post! I love love love the attitude. I am seriously thinking about being a cat in my next life, too. Meeeow! You've presented it perfectly. I think I'll practice from now on!

    1. Hahaha, Vidya! Wouldn't we all like to be a cat like Kobie? He's got it made, that cat. Thanks for commenting.

  2. Aww...such cute clicks! Kobie cat looks like a real darling. I'm not much of a cat person. Have always had dogs for pets. But I can understand what you mean here by wanting to be a cat in your next life. The privileges of being a pet are infinite :)

    1. Yes, being a pampered pet is a good life, eh, Vinodini? I agree. I've always been a cat person but I do like dogs, too.

  3. We have three cats here, Percy, Bigodee, and Marmaduke. We also have 6 dogs, 12 chickens, a parrot, several birds, fish, and we are waiting on a pig and a pony. And I think that you might be right - the cats do have it the best of all! Visiting from UBC - we live at the Mas Abicou in the South of France with all our animals ( http://masabicou.com/ms-abicou ) Thanks, Jina

    1. Wow! What a menagerie you have, Jina! I must look at your site. Sounds like a real adventure with all those animals.

  4. They really do have the life. So does my dog, Riley.

    1. Yes, our two dogs have it pretty good, too but the cats are the most pampered and have cattitude.

  5. What an awesome life it would be :) Nothing to worry about and no deadlines to meet :D Oh I wouldn't mind that life either :D


    1. I agree, Swathi. Cats don't have much stress or demands in their lives. Must be great.

  6. Indeed .... life of such lovely creatures is amazing...watching them play works like stress busters....appreciate your love towards Kobie...

    1. Glad you could see how much I like that silly cat. He has got me wrapped around his paw, for sure. They are lovely creatures, I agree.

  7. The cat sure has got it right. Cool cat. I agree with you its fun being a cat. Was he writing on your laptop too, really cute pictures. Have a great UBC.

    1. Yes, he likes to sit on my keyboard, Inderpreet. One of these days, he'll probably write something really good. Thanks for the best wishes for a great UBC. Same to you!

  8. Awesome, Cat!! You've nailed it! It is such a cute post!! I'm in love with Kobie and the pics are amazing!! <3

    Visit me @TaleoftwoTomatoes

    1. Thanks so much. Appreciate the comments! As you can see, I like taking a lot of photos of Kobie. Too many in fact! LOL!

  9. That was a fun movie. Kobie is a lucky cat. Loved your very cute post.

  10. Thanks, Suzy. I enjoyed seeing that movie, too, when I was a kid. "Everybody wants to be a cat" is right!

  11. awwiee now I want to be Kobie too :D Lovely post.

  12. I'm not a cat person, but Kobie might convert me! :)

  13. haha.. we always say this at our home but for the dogs... if we had to be born , it should be in our own house as a dog: full freedom, no responsibility, play & sleep - wherever whenever.

  14. I love Kobie and I love you :) The cat has it all, eh:)


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