UBC Day 9 - Each Day is a New Beginning

I tried out a site called www.behappyme.com to make this poster above. I am trying out different poster and quote making sites instead of always using Picasa. My verdict is that Picasa is pretty good and does the job just fine. I didn't find behappyme had much variety or flexibility. Still, it's good to try new sites to compare.

I like this quote by Eleanor Roosevelt, a most inspirational woman.

Each new day is stretched out in front of us; clean, new and unspoiled, ready for us to make our mark on it.

Even if yesterday was a complete mess and we failed miserably, today a new day beckons and there is a chance to start again.

You're are not the same person as you were yesterday either.

With new thoughts and new strength, you get another chance to create the you that you want to be today.

How will you spend your new day?


  1. Love this thought, dear Cat :) With my new day, I will try to write more, worry less, laugh more and crave less. Thank you for this post.

    1. Good ideas that I should follow, too, Shailaja. More writing, less worrying and no self doubt. Just DO IT ALREADY! I tell myself that but the message doesn't always get through.

  2. Lovely quote cat :) With my new day, I will try to learn quilling, read more books and smile even more :)


    1. Good for you, Swathi! I like your approach!

  3. It is the best thing about a new day. :D

    1. I agree, Kathy. It's like a clean slate as the cliche goes.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Your post reminds me of the saying "you can't step into the same stream twice." We really are renewed all the time, just as old cells die and new ones are born. Thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. Thanks for your visit, too. Yes, good to remember that we are renewed all the time.

  6. I would like to stop expecting people to understand me for a change today...It's tiring to get disappointed... You are right every new day is there for us to live it in a way we want...better than yesterday perhaps..

    1. I do the same, Naba and expect people to get me and often they don't which is disappointing. Thanks for visiting.

  7. Yes, each new days brings with it new possibilities, new experiences. If only we can let go of the baggage from yesterday.....A nice, inspirational post, Cat!

    1. I'm still working on getting rid of that baggage. Like decluttering. I do a little at a time but more accumulates!

  8. A beautiful thought, Cat. We do change subtly with each experience. I like to think we become stronger and more tolerant. Hugs!

  9. You nailed it -- something we need to remember every day. Some days, when they don't go so well, I get excited about what the next day will bring to help me forget the former

    1. Good to know each day brings a new start. It keeps me going.


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