Ten Years Later...

I can tell Kobie likes this post. Thanks, Kobe. I need all the help I can get!

Ten years ago today I got laid off my full time desktop publishing job at the Auditor General. I was quite upset at the time as I'd thought I was set there until retirement in 2019 but I was laid off a day before they would have had to make me permanent.

I was afraid of what the future held. How would we manage? I worried about getting another job. It was a time of fear, self-doubt and self-discovery. 

Luckily the fear and self-doubt have subsided somewhat, but the self discovery continues and is an ever evolving and exciting process.

I decided to take some time to do creative pursuits, spend more quality time with family and give back to the community. 

Ten years later, I am still doing this and having a wonderful time.

Of course I had to write a poem about it as that's how I express myself best. 

Narcissistic Cat strikes again! ;)

I got laid off ten years ago today
I can’t help reflecting on this special day,
I have done a lot in the past ten years
Trying new things and fighting my fears,

After the layoff I floundered about
Full of fear and lots of self doubt,
I fought the guilt and found joy instead
Choosing gratitude over dread,

I helped with drama and helped kids read
I drove kids to sports when there was a need,
I published some stories and even a play
I still try to blog something new every day,

I joined a choir and a band
To lose myself in Music land,
Music is such a wonderful thing
The way it spreads joy and makes my soul sing,

I got to meet some Internet pals
All of them are wonderful gals,
I had my eyes lasered and lost some weight
I can honestly say I’m feeling great,

Ten years of my life are gone for good
I’d do it all over again if I could,
To my family members and my peers,
Thanks for all the support these past ten years!


  1. You are incredible, Cat! Can I just say that? And I really mean it. You just exude all this positivity and warmth and that comes across so well in your poems. Love you more than cats love mice ;)

  2. How wonderful, Cat, that it turned out to be a blessing - both to you and to others that you were able to help! Lovely post. :)

  3. that was wonderful and a poem to top it all! totally loved it!

  4. I love your attitude Cat! Layoff certainly proved a blessing in disguise no? You have achieved so much....Love u! And beautifully expressed poem!

  5. This is the way we need to look at life..Who knows even the worst things can turn out to be best for us...Loved it Cat

    Random Thoughts Naba...Welcome Fall!......

  6. Oh, life... with its twists and turns. very inspiring to read about your story... How you can turn a sudden (negative ) change into something positive and maybe even better than before... Be proud lady:) Lovely poem and loved this post, Cat:-)

  7. We can take a leaf out of this Cat's book! ;)

  8. Wonderful poem. I'm so happy it worked out for you! That is fantastic that you've been able to pursue creativity and give back to the community. It's like they say, things happen for a reason. I'm glad you embraced it.

  9. haha... u r the epitome of "finding sunshine in between the rains" :D
    Awesome the way you focused on the good during the tough times and made it work for u... I need to learn a few lessons from this


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