Reflections on the April A to Z Challenge

The A to Z challenge was lots of fun
I’m happy to say I got all the posts done,
I wanted to visit more blogs, but to my dismay
There never seemed to be enough hours in the day,

I’m a pantser and don’t plan posts ahead
Often I’d be writing til just before bed,
I thrived under pressure with a bit of luck
But there were times when I got stuck,

I’m still catching up on replies here and there
Just wanted to say thanks and that I do care,
I appreciate the support of my friends at BAR (Blog-A-Rhythm)
You guys have helped me go so far,

I enjoy many blogs, too many to name
I will try naming a few, just the same!


  1. Well done for completing the challenge! It was fun, wasn't it?

  2. LOVED your poems, Cathy! You have a way with words!
    Aah! I have a lot of replying of comments to do too... dont know where the time is flying! Thanks for the mention ♥

  3. Congratulations, Cathy. I'm so impressed how you're able to pull off these last minute posts and with such inventive poetry, no less! Always a pleasure to drop in here. Thanks for the mention. ☺ I'm way behind on responses as well.

  4. That's an innovative way to post your reflections :) Real cute!

  5. Sorry I missed you during April. Finding you now through your reflection. We can be proud of ourselves having finished. It is always a great learning experience. If you have enough energy to continue visiting, come and see me and let me know what you think of my reflection thoughts. Sending cheers for your accomplishment.

  6. Just now getting around to visiting the blogs in the challenge. April was a busy month for me. Congrats on completing the A to Z Challenge! Looking forward to next year! See you on the Road Trip!



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