Tapping into Creativity

I am taking part in the blogging festival going on at Write Tribe this week with the theme of Creativity and Inspiration. 
Write Tribe Festival of Words

I love being creative whether it’s through my creative writing, blogging, photography, music or art. Knowing which activity I should focus on is a constant struggle. I tend to work well with goals and deadlines. If I know I have a music concert coming up, I focus on practice and preparing for that. I take writing courses for the accountability. I love blogging challenges because they force me to sit down and write something to a deadline. It’s such a feeling of accomplishment when I have something finished to show for my efforts and of course sharing with other creatives is the best thing ever.
My main objective is to be creative every day because that’s what makes me come alive.

Right now I’m like a chickadee flitting to the feeder and only taking one seed at a time. As I get older, I realize that time is so precious and sometimes I let it slip away like water down the drain. I’m not getting any younger so I need to push aside the fear and distractions and just do it! As Sophia Loren says in the quote I found, when you learn to tap into the source of creativity within, you will truly have defeated age.

The chickadee flits from the feeder to the tree                                    
Eating only one seed at a time,
I think that little bird is a lot like me
It’s such an uphill climb,

Will I ever manage to move ahead?
Will I get any projects done?
Wasting time is something I dread
Will the battle ever be won?

I sit back and take a deep breath
I push the fear aside,
I realize that it’s not life or death
And I take it all in stride,

Baby steps is the way to go
Don’t be so negative and glum,
Let go of the fear and get into the flow
Then creativity will come.

Have a Creative Kind of a Day!


  1. Cat, how do you do it? Well, now I know! You truly are an inspiration..<3

    1. Thanks, Shilpa! So are you, my dear! Thanks for being such a wonderful online friend!

  2. Wow..it's such a wonderful poetry :) Creatively creative :)


    1. Thanks very much, Sushree. Love your expression creatively creative. That's fun!

  3. "My main objective is to be creative every day because that’s what makes me come alive."

    Yes! I hear (and echo) that sentiment!

    1. As a fellow creative who likes to try many things, I feel you are a kindred spirit, Laurel and you get where I'm coming from. Nice we can support each other in our creative endeavours.

  4. You are an amazing person, Cat, and a very creative one at that. :) Beautiful poem. :)

    1. So kind of you, Vinitha! Wow! *blushes* Thanks very much! You are so sweet.

  5. Cat, you are soooooo creative and I love the way you weave your words and make them flow as lovely poetry! Sophia Loren's quote is so profound, hope we all realize it soon :)

    1. Thanks so much for the encouragement, Shilpa. You are very kind.

  6. That last para of that poem seals the deal.

    Loved it :)

    1. Thanks for dropping by, Soumya. Much appreciated.

  7. How creative to write a poem about creativity, Cathy! ☺ I agree, once you "get into the flow" you're in full "create" mode. It's a good feeling!

    1. So true that getting into the flow is the best, isn't it Debbie? Sometimes it's a real struggle to get there so when I do, it's blissful!

  8. Super! Loved your poem. You are too good! Enjoyed reading your creation :)


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