
I don’t make resolutions as I know I won’t keep them and it’s a sure setup for certain failure and feelings of guilt.

Even thinking of goals can be a challenge. Meanwhile the new year speeds merrily off without me while I struggle to come up with a plan. I’m so not a planning type of person and wing it last minute most of the time which can be exciting and stimulating, but not always the best approach.

I do like the idea of a word to define the new year though. I’ve been pondering what word would best define and motivate me as I move forward into 2017.

I decided on Experience. I recently turned 57 and by this age, I’ve seen a lot and experienced a lot. I tend to get into a “same old, same old” mentality at times and not appreciate the wonder of each day. Thank goodness for my writing and photography to remind me of the wonder of each moment of being alive. Even the most simple and routine days have their beauty and mystery if I look hard enough. No two days are the same even though they might sometimes feel that way.

Experience seemed the perfect word for me. I need to be in action and experiencing instead of only watching from the sidelines. Often I get into a rut and fall into that “watching a movie” feeling.

Since I’ve been home and not in the full time work world, I notice I tend to stay in my comfort zone and not venture out of it too much.

Being a passive introvert, I need the occasional kick in the pants to change routines that are so ingrained after 57 years.

I need to grow and be challenged. I notice I haven’t been trying new things that much lately and have gotten too comfortable in my routine. Time to shake things up a bit! Time to take a course, learn a new skill, travel somewhere new, meet new people and do things I’ve never done before.

Occasionally new experiences can be uncomfortable, difficult and even unpleasant. They are still a time of growth and challenge us to be strong, accepting and resilient. We often don’t realize how strong we are until we are tested in a new experience.

Experience can also be applied to living a more minimal life.  Since my mother’s death, I am trying to be less concerned about material things. My mom had so much stuff and it overwhelmed her at times. I also get overwhelmed by my stuff. It clutters up the place and costs too much. It also takes time and work to keep it organized and under control. And you don’t get to keep any of it once you die. It will be left for others to sort through. What’s the point of having all that stuff? I need to get rid of things that don’t bring me much joy and only bog me down. If I focus on experiences more than things, I am certain to be happier and more fulfilled.

I hope you all have a good year and your experiences make you grow, show you how strong and clever you really are,  as well as bring you joy and fulfillment.

Have a happy 2017 full of wonderfully magical experiences, everyone!

I'm taking part in Laurel Reagan's Word of the Year Linkup at her blog here 

What's your word of the year?


  1. Great word choice, Cathy. We have way too much stuff, too and hope to also embrace that minimalist mantra. All the best for 2017!

    1. It does feel good to purge every now and then, doesn't it, Debbie. But then it starts to accumulate again like dust bunnies. How does it do that? Happy 2017!

  2. Experiences rather than things sounds like a great approach, Cathy! Wishing you many new and wonderful experiences in 2017.

    1. Thanks, Laurel. Hope you have a great year of exploration, too!

  3. I have so much stuff, and it drags you down. Today, I did a little purging. Even 10 minutes worth helped. Also deleted a bunch of emails in my inbox. My word is "determination" - it covers a lot of things. Happy 2017 to you!

    1. Thanks for dropping by, Alana. Determination is a great word for your word of the year. Happy 2017 to you, too!

  4. I haven't done resolutions in years, either. It's not easy leaving your comfort zone - I think the older I am (I'm 64) the harder it becomes. Good luck!

    1. Hi there UJA! I agree that as we get older, it gets harder to get out of that comfort zone and your world grows a bit smaller. I don't feel ready to make it really small just yet so must work at broadening my horizons with experiences. Happy 2017!

  5. Great word choice Cathy. To experience each day and all the wonder it holds is a beautiful way of living and making memories. I too need to learn the art of decluttering. Yes, it does get a bit overwhelming at times.

    1. Hi Raj. Thanks for your comments on my chosen word. Yes, I do hope it will help give me some direction for getting out of my comfort zone and for the decluttering, too. Happy 2017!

  6. That's a great word, Cat! Actually, it should be a word we all choose for ourselves - experience is what's going to help us learn about the world and about ourselves. It's what enriches us, much more than the material things we pine for. I also liked your idea of minimalism. Why hoard on stuff we can' t carry with us; why not hoard experiences, moments in our heart, which will help us during tough times?
    Wish you a fulfilling new year, my dear!
    We are so alike! :) <3

    1. Hi Shilpa! Thanks for your lovely comment, good friend. Hope your new year is fulfilling and full of great new experiences. All the best! Hugs!

  7. May you have the best of the Experiences this year :)

    1. Thank you, Sheethal and I hope you have a great year of experiences, too!

  8. You know what - this is the first 'real different' phrase that I've seen so far for 'word of the year'. Experience, indeed! Wish you a year full of magical experiences, Cat!

    1. Thanks so much, Sid. I hope they will be more magical than difficult but I imagine there will be a mishmash of both kind! That's life, right?


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