The New Year Begins - Wordy Wednesday

I tried doing BAR's Wordy Wednesday challenge for this week. Wordy Wednesday

At first, I did try to incorporate all the phrases from Wordy Wednesday into my poem, but alas, I could only get two of them to fit.

Oh well. It was a fun poem to write and expresses my outlook on goals for the new year in a fun way.

Hope everyone's new year is progressing well so far.


As the new year starts, I begin anew
With so many things I want to do
Back to Basics is my phrase
It guides me through these winter days

Time to make goals and lists galore
Isn’t that what a new year’s for?
Time to create a whole new me
Slimmer, healthier and clutter-free,

I wear my badge of honour, proudly displayed
I’m all pumped up and not easily swayed,
I can’t wait to start my new regime
Just look at me, I’m livin' the dream!

Oh, look at that, fresh chocolate cake
I couldn’t help it. I love to bake!
And it’s way too windy to go for a walk
I won’t even make it round the block,

Why bother suffering, why all the sorrow?
I’ll put it off and get healthy tomorrow!


  1. Did you write this for me, Cat!?! This is the story of my life too!! *SIGH*

    1. Haha! I guess many of us can relate to the feeling, eh, Shilpa? Sigh is right.

  2. I loved your little ditty, Cat! And, you did well using those prompts, too!
    Wish you the best for those goals, but do take some time out for yourself, to enjoy the cool winter wind and the yummy chocolate cake, every once in a while. For, goals are important for us, but so is some fun time, too. :)

    1. I like the way you think, Shilpa. Fun is important, too! Thanks for commenting.

  3. Your poems are little flecks of joy in cyberspace. They truly make my heart glad every single time I read them. The humour is so effortless and the rhyme is simply spot on. You should consider compiling an e-book, Cathy!

    1. Awww, you're so sweet to say those lovely things, Shailaja. Thanks so much for the support and encouragement. Much appreciated.

  4. Heheheh. So cute. And so nice to see your post, Cat! I am consumed with guilt here, you know, about living the dream the past two weeks. :D

    1. Thanks, Vidya. Yes, I'm all too familiar with the guilt thing. UGH! The January blahs have taken hold and I don't feel too productive but at least I managed to write this poem about it. Haha!

  5. Ha ha!! This is the story for me here as well. The winter is here and even though it does not snow but it is about 3 or 4 degrees. The day time is good but that is no time for a walk! :D
    Wish you a very Happy New Year Cat.

  6. Hahaha! That's exactly what is happening to me right now! :) :) Love it!

  7. Hahahaha what a clever and funny take on the prompt... It's so true... All this hype about resolutions :) enjoyed reading your poem.

  8. Hahaha! And diet starts Monday. ☺ It's so hard to get into that type of routine after the holidays, isn't it? Even worse when the weather doesn't cooperate. Indoor exercise isn't nearly as much fun. Loved the poem, Cat. Thanks for the laugh!


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