
This week I decided to make it extra challenging for myself and combined two challenges; first the 100 word Wordy Wednesday picture prompt of a beggar woman at Blog A Rhythm Wordy Wednesday
and second, the five sentence fiction prompt of Deception at Vinitha Dileep's Blog, The Void Thoughts.

It took a while and I scrapped many ideas, but finally came up with this story. I like these challenges that challenge you to rework the words and make each one count.


“Please help me feed my children,”the blind beggar woman pleaded, her eyes vacant as she clutched a bucket with a few coins in it.

Feeling sorry for her, I put a handful of coins in and she smiled her thanks at the heavy clinking sound.

Later I saw her dressed in a red dress, high heels and pearls as she jumped into her BMW with her boyfriend and tore off down the road.

The next day when I passed, I poured coffee into her bucket and hurried away, hearing loud cursing behind me.

I never saw her again after that.  


  1. Nicely done, Cat! How clever to combine the two challenges. Reminds me of a true story. There was a beggar in Toronto, known as "The Shaky Lady", because she sat on the sidewalk and trembled, holding a sign that said she was ill and couldn't work. A suspicious reporter tailed her to a luxury condo with leather furniture and a big screen TV. He was assaulted by the woman's husband when he tried to take pictures.

    1. Great story about the Shaky Lady, Debbie. I am sure there are many conning types out there. I remember a guy in Ottawa wearing a Cat in the Hat striped hat and he would always be mooching. I heard he lived in a really nice subsidized apartment and wasn't suffering that much, the con artist.

  2. Interesting, profound and combining two challenges Wow !

    1. Thanks, Pooja. It was fun and challenging to do.

  3. HA HA HA HA! Coffee! Well done, Cat! Hugs!

    1. You know how much I love coffee, right, Vidya? Haha!

  4. Haha. She probably hurled curses because she would spill the coffee in her swanky Bimmer.

  5. HAHAHA! She deserved it!
    That was cool, Cat!

  6. hahaha now that;s how you deal with fake people :P Loved it :D

  7. That's a nice way to handle the betrayal. Great take on the prompt, Cat. I like the way you clubbed the two prompts and challenged yourself. :)
    I couldn't write this week due to my neck pain. Having time off from blogs and fb. Will put up post next week. :)

    1. Thanks, Vinitha. I enjoy your weekly challenges. Hope your neck is doing okay. Sorry to hear you were in pain. Take care.


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