
As I fumbled in my purse looking for my glasses, I noticed a man by the door smiling at me. Not wanting to appear easy, I looked away, but when I snuck a sideways glance, Mr. Smiley was still staring and smiling. He had a lot of nerve! I continued to rummage to the bottom of my bag, searching under my change purse, outdated coupons, cough drops, hand sanitizer, and orange lip balm before I finally I found my glasses. I put them on and turned around, fired up and ready to tell off Mr. Smiley for his rude presumptuous manner. Click Here!

I am joining in with Vinitha Dileep on her Five Sentence Fiction Tuesdays using the word "Smile" as the prompt.  The Void Thoughts Vinitha Dileep

That was fun, Vinitha! Thanks! I was in a bit of a slump today and that perked me right up. Just what I needed on this blah winter day in January.


  1. Was he a flasher? LMAO! ☺ That was fun. Thanks, Cat.

    1. Haha! You can't trust those mannequins. You saw the photo, right? They are as creepy as clowns sometimes, eh, Debbie? Thanks for dropping by!

    2. Oh; it was a mannequin! Now it makes perfect sense. ☺ I don't see any photo, though.

    3. You have to click on the link labeled surprise. Maybe it's not clear enough and I should label it Click here.

    4. Oh Duh! Missed that. LOL Would definitely have been funnier if I'd seen it. Sorry to be so dense.

    5. You weren't dense, Debbie. You made me realize that maybe it wasn't clear so I changed it to Click Here to make it more clear. You helped me!

  2. That was a fun story, Cat. Definitely made me smile with the cute twist. Thank you for joining me with your cute story. :)

    1. Thanks for the inspiration, Vinitha. I enjoyed trying the challenge. Trying to flex that creative muscle again after Christmas break.

  3. Haha! That must be some moment!! :)

  4. Hahaha! That was hilarious, Cat, and something that is bound to happen with me, too! I, too, am shortsighted and am sure won't be able to tell a mannequin and a man apart! ;P

  5. His photo is so comic! Happens all the time, no? You pretty girl, you!!


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