Once again, I arrive late at the party! @blogarhythm1

Is it really January 4th, 2017 already? The new year has begun in full force. It isn’t going to wait for me as I sit here trying to decide what to do with this blank slate of 365 days (er 362 days now, slow poke!) stretching out in front of me.

This year I aspire to write and be creative more regularly. That means reviving my blog that I haven’t touched since August and revising that novel draft that I completed for the Write Practice’s 100 Day challenge from August to November.

I will take lots of photos of feathered and furry friends as well as beautiful landscapes, pets, people, parties, events and my travels. I will continue making photo books and calendars of special moments to share with family and friends.

I will continue singing Alto 2 in the choir for my 13th year (hard to believe!) I will play flute in the concert band and with my harpist friend, Sharon.

I always love getting creative and taking action on it. It especially feels good to blog again. I've missed it!

Anyway, I am late to arrive at the party as usual so I’d better post my Wordy Wednesday post. Better late than never, right?

Full speed ahead! Happy 2017 to everyone!

I am taking part in the Wordy Wednesday Prompt Challenge 
using the following words:



  1. Hey, Cat! So good to see your post! I am so happy with everything you have planned for yourself! Wish you the very best, my dear! Keep writing, and clicking and singing....keep going! <3

    1. Thanks so much, Shilpa. Good to be blogging again. Appreciate the encouragement. Happy New Year to you and hope all is well with you!

  2. Glad to see you on your blog again, Cat! Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks, Laurel. Good to be blogging again. I am going to try and be more regular about it. Happy New Year to you, too!

  3. Good to hear from you Cat but you're definitely not late for the Wordy Wednesday party. Hope 2017 is wonderful for you and your family and that we get to see more of you here.

  4. Yippeee... So happy to see your post, Cat :) I am definitely looking forward to reading your posts. Happy New Year to you.

    1. Thanks, Shalini. I hope to participate with BAR more this year and connect with other members again. Appreciate the support!

  5. You are here now, that's what matters. Glad to see you back in action, Cat. Happy New Year! :)

    1. Thanks a lot, Vinitha! Happy New Year to you, too!

  6. I hope I get to read your beautiful rhythmic poems this year too. Always love the stories of furry animals that visit you. Wish you a fabulous year ahead :D

    1. Thanks so much, Raj. Appreciate the encouragement about my poetry and furry friends. I hope you have a great year down under and I look forward to your posts about your travels and pretzel poses with your lovely layered hair blowing in the Australian breeze! Happy 2017!

  7. Nice to see you back in the Blogosphere, Cat. ☺ May 2017 be everything you hope for. Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks, Debbie. Fun to be blogging again. I've missed it and missed interacting with nice blogging friends like you.


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