Do you believe in luck?

I found this four leaf clover the other day. This is very rare as I never find four leaf clovers. I put it down on this piece of fabric that the hubby put on my worktable. I liked the way the stripes framed the little four leaf clover and made it stand out against the pink. Another poster was born!

Okay, luck, come get me, I'm waiting for you! *Sits and waits clutching four leaf clover in sweaty hand*

Maybe that's the wrong approach.

Maybe I do have to go out and make my own luck as Thomas Jefferson's quote states. He says that hard work and preparation go much further than sitting around waiting for luck to fall from the sky.

I have mixed feelings about that. Sure, hard work and preparation are important, but sometimes amazing things do happen and it's good to be open to them.

I've always envied people who seem lucky. Everything goes their way and their lives look so perfect. If only I could be so lucky. What do you think? Is it just a case of the person working hard, being prepared and grabbing an opportunity when it presents itself? Or is it really some magical force? I'd love to hear your thoughts.


  1. This is a tough one. It is difficult to watch people who seem to have everything so their way, especially when it never seems to happen that way for you. But, I also tend to agree with Thomas Jefferson. Hard work and everything that goes with that - positive attitude, etc does pay off in the end. Being in the right place at the right time may be determined as luck by some - I prefer to think of it as coincidence

    1. I agree, Carol. Interesting thoughts you have about it.

  2. I would say luck works. It does push your efforts a tad bit. But there can be no result only on luck. There is no substitute of hard work in my opinion.


    1. I think you're right. Hard work, more than just luck will make the most difference.

  3. An iota of luck should be on one's side along with hard word and other qualities. I believe luck favours the fortunate people.

    1. I agree, Kalpana. Thanks for your comment.

  4. Luck is like a flaky friend for me. I know he exists, because I've run into him a few times, exchanged conversation, and usually part ways with him saying he's planning on visiting next week. Sometimes he shows. Sometimes he blows me off without even a call. Other times, I pester him until I get a response.

    I've resigned myself to have fun when he's around, but not depend on him.

    1. I like your comparison of luck to a flaky friend who's fun to have around but not dependable. Good one, Loni.

  5. While it is said that "God helps them who help themselves", I believe one needs a bit of luck to be in the right place at the right time...very good poster...Liked it.

    1. I agree, Jayanta. Thanks for your comment.

  6. I have never been lucky. Any "luck" I have received has come from hard work or from fate, being in the right place at the right time. In the end, blessings come from God and are meant to be. Loved the poster you created! ♥

    1. I don't consider myself particularly lucky either, Kathy. I like your thoughts about it.


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