In Between

I love Queen of Your Own Life's daily posters as they're always so uplifting and positive. Today's message resonated with me.

I've always hated “in between” as I transition from one thing to another. It’s an unsettling feeling to switch gears and start something new. 

Even as a kid, I never liked having to quit one activity to start another, especially if I was enjoying myself.

I feel like I’m in that stage today after getting back from vacation and having to get back into my routine again. It is a bit of a struggle but eventually I will find my groove again.  

So much of our lives are those “in between” moments which we see as unimportant while we transition to the important events.

Even when I worked as an opaquer painting cartoon cells back in the 1980s, junior animators were always given the task of doing the "in between" cells that showed a character's less important movements in between the major ones that the senior animator would draw. 

Sometimes we get stuck “in between” and find ourselves in limbo while we’re waiting to start something new. I've been there and it's easy to stagnate and not grow very much.

I think “in between” is okay as long as it doesn’t drag on too long and it can actually be a good thing. It’s a break in our frantic pace to take stock and figure out what direction we’re going in next. 

If we see it in a positive light, it can be a stepping stone to something new and exciting. And who knows what possibilities await? 

Maybe being "in between" isn't such a bad thing after all.


  1. I like your attitude! "In between" can definitely be frustrating, but looking at in the positive way you've framed it is a great way to go. Thank you for sharing (and sorry your lovely vacation came to an end)!

    1. So true. Before I tended to see "in between" in a negative light but reframing it in a positive way is the way to go. A pause before a new routine starts is like a breath of fresh air.

  2. Great message on your write. And I loved your attitude! Thanks for sharing :)

  3. I agree dear Cathy - to what you so nicely put it : the in- betweens can be hard- but maybe something better awaits? Sounds you had a wonderful vacation! So happy for you, and thanks for a great post today- I enjoyed it:-)

    1. Thanks for always being so supportive, Eli. I'm still stuck "in between" but can only be there one more day and then the new fall schedule starts whether I'm ready or not.

  4. I agree, so much of our lives are in those 'in between' moments no? But these transitions also help you not to be complacent and too comfortable...
    And right now, I exactly know what you mean. Back from my hols too and I'm trying to find my feet. ;) Love

    1. Sounds like you had such a great trip to NYC, Aditi. Hard to get back into routine after a wonderful vacation, isn't it? I'm still working on my "in between" stage.


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