It's Time to Slow Down

Always hurrying, always worrying
So much to do, so little time,
Why are you doing all this scurrying?
Sit down and listen to my rhyme,

I know your “to do” list is seven miles long
That’s why I’m singing this wistful song,
It’s time to slow down and get a grip
If you don’t, you’re sure to trip,

If you don’t do it all will it really matter?
Who is it that you’re trying to flatter?
Does rushing give a purpose to your life?
Or does it jab at you like a pointy knife?

Slow down, take a breath and look around
Gaze at the sky or down at the ground,
Be in the moment, it’s going fast
None of this is going to last!


  1. Beautiful one. A thought provoking poem! :)

  2. So beautiful...Something so relevant for we are all running in every possible direction, aren't we?

  3. Be in the moment, it’s going fast
    None of this is going to last!

    So true ! When something troubles me, I keep telling myself, this is not going to last !
    When we know it's not going to last, why don't we slow down and enjoy life ? So deep a thought, conveyed in a thought provoking manner.

  4. // If you don’t do it all will it really matter?
    Who is it that you’re trying to flatter?// I should write it on sticky note and put it on my desk. What a delightful and thoughful read.
    I love how you put thoughts in your poems and make them rhyme so effortlessly.

  5. We spend too much time chasing after the temporal, don't we?

  6. Wonderfully expressed! It is sad that we are slowly losing an appreciation for a slower and relaxed pace of life. All this rush rush is causing so much stress and disease. Good reminder, Cat!

  7. A timely reminder to all about slowing down to smell the roses :) lovely poem.

  8. LOVE it dear Cathy... "Be in the moment" - my words also... You say it so wonderfully in your poem... Wanna read it again ... and again.... and again:-)

  9. Wonderfully said Cathy. Sure if we go on at this pace we're sure to trip.

  10. Love it! I am all for slowing down!

  11. This reminds me of the famous poem by Willian Henry Davis- LEISURE
    We all need to slow down.

  12. Love this one! It is imp to take it slow once in a while, rejuvenate and rediscover yourself! :)


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