100 Words on a Saturday - Rebel Without a Cause

I am writing this post in response to the prompt from Write Tribe's 100 words on a Saturday. http://writetribe.com/how-to-break-out-of-a-creative-rut/ using the phrase "My grandmother/grandfather told me...

Write Tribe

My grandmother told me to watch out for Cal, but of course I didn’t listen. I fell in love the moment I saw him smoking in front of Mac’s corner store looking like James Dean in “Rebel Without a Cause.”  Cal was everything this town wasn’t; good-looking, exciting, rebellious and dangerous. The first time we fought, he punched me and I lost a tooth. When I told him I was pregnant, he kicked me twice in the stomach and I lost the baby. Then Cal got thrown in jail for break and enter. Why didn’t I listen to my grandmother?


  1. This happens to so many people no? We fall for people who aren't quite right for us ...The elders can see but at that particular point of time we just can't see beyond love...Nicely written ...

    1. So true, Naba. It's sad, isn't it. We should listen to our elders who have so much wisdom.

  2. Oh no, how terrible! Sad reality though, right, Cat? :( I just wish we let go of the 'I-know-best' attitude and listen to the elders for once.

    Shailaja/The Moving Quill

    1. Yes, we need to listen to our elders. They are wise. Thanks, Shailaja.

  3. Very nicely written,A streak of sadness has made it emotional

  4. Nicely written little emotional....sometimes love make us blind....nicely written...

  5. ohhh.... poor girl... it is true sometimes hearing out helps

    Tina from The Sunny Side of Life

  6. Guess, the true but unfortunate reality. Sometimes looks may not be everything in life and falling blindly in love at the altar of one's individuality may be such a wrong decision.



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