Success according to Maya Angelou

In remembrance of Maya Angelou, I had to create this inspirational poster with one of her wonderful quotes. 

I love this definition of success. 

How many of us have fallen into the trap of thinking success equals making lots of money, having a high powered career and having lots of fancy possessions? I know I have and have often felt inadequate at times because of it. 

Maya Angelou's quote reminds me that my success is defined by me and no one else. If I like myself, what I'm doing and how I'm doing it, that's enough. 

Who else do I need to please anyhow? People pleasing is overrated and discouraging, often devastating. We can never measure up in some peoples' eyes and why do we want to anyhow? 


  1. Wonderful thoughts. I've been near tears much of the day thinking about our loss of this beautiful spirit. Thank you for a lovely tribute.

    1. Thanks, Laurel. It is so sad to think of the loss of such a beautiful spirit. I agree.

  2. Such a lovely tribute! She said so many insightful things during her lifetime.

    1. She really did, Kathy. Such an inspiring woman.

  3. I like the quote and your tribute of a remarkable woman who inspired many with her words.

    1. Thanks, Michelle. She was so inspiring and I just love her quotes.

  4. That's a lovely quote, Cat. It is such a pleasure to read her quotes and be inspired by one as wonderful as her. As long as we believe and stay true to ourselves, I think we have succeeded.

    1. I really like this quote in particular, Shailaja. She was such a wise woman and will be missed but I'm glad we have her writings as a legacy.

  5. Lovely tribute, Cat. She was and will remain a truly inspirational woman for people worldwide.

    1. Thanks, Beloo. Yes, Maya Angelou was inspiring to so many around the world. Very true.

  6. Another lovely tribute to Maya Angelou!! Good one, Cat...

  7. It was a nice tribute but I especially loved the quote and it reminded of how she lived and spoke. Thank you

  8. Yes! I've always seen success as satisfaction. If I'm satisfied with what I accomplished, then that is success. Good quote and lovely picture.


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