Eat More Chocolate, Drink More Coffee and other Writing Resolutions for 2015

I thought the idea of eating more chocolate and drinking more coffee might pique your interest about my resolutions. Did it work? Hope so! ;)

Seeing the word “resolutions” is intimidating to read on the page and even harder to put into practice. 

At least I’ve taken the first step by writing down what I’d like to achieve which is often the hardest part of all. If you don’t know what you want, you sure won’t achieve it.

This year I want to take my writing more seriously with goals and deadlines as I have so many writing projects in various states of completion.

I have tons of short stories and some unfinished novels that beg to be revived again. The main problem is I can never decide what project I want to work on.  Which one is most important to me? 

Just the prospect of having to decide makes me procrastinate further. Usually I do what I always do and start something new which makes for even more unfinished projects. Or I drink coffee and eat chocolate while I ponder my predicament. Hey, any excuse to drink more coffee and eat more chocolate, right?

As a person who isn’t naturally organized and flits from one thing to another, getting structure and a schedule are a continuing challenge. That’s why I enjoy taking courses and belonging to writing groups for the structure, goals, challenges, accountability and deadlines.

I find I’m great at starting a project with all the enthusiasm and energy that the Muse can provide. After a while that energy and enthusiasm tends to wane, especially if the work has been rejected or I’ve had it critiqued and it needs revisions to improve it.  

Face it, revisions are hard work! They certainly aren’t as fun as that first draft where your fingers are flying and you’re filled with the magic of the Muse as you scramble to get all your ideas onto the page. Still, proofreading, editing, and revising are so necessary for making a piece shine and stand out.

This year I want to revive some of these stories and bring them to life again for possible submission to markets. 

I also want to continue blogging regularly for that feeling of accomplishment I get from completing a post. Blogging makes me feel like a writer and I love being able to connect with my words and photos as well as get to know other bloggers and support their wonderful blogs.

Do any of you have tips you’d care to share about how you manage to stay on track and motivated enough to finish your writing projects?

What are your writing resolutions for 2015! I'd love to hear them.


  1. I love chocolate.

    I have many ideas floating in my head but i fear to put them down on paper for I feel they might not take proper shape. I prefer prompts where there is a specific direction to my writing.

    1. Thanks for commenting, Kalpana. Hope you get some of those ideas down and play around with them. I agree that prompts are so good for giving us direction in our writing. I find that with a prompt, I can write much faster and clearer than when I'm on my own and floating around trying to think of what to writing about.

  2. I haven't made any specific writing resolutions, but am going to try to keep going with my daily blogging practice for as long as I can. I find that staying organized in this area works best when I keep track of post ideas with an editorial calendar.

    1. You do so well with your regular blogging and photo posts, Laurel. You always inspire me.

      Where did you get your editorial calendar? Is it online or a paper one? I'd be interested in knowing if an editorial calendar would work for me. I'm not much of a planner and sometimes that works against me.

  3. I saw 'eat more chocolate' and 'drink more coffee' and I was hooked :) Yes, I too started the year with some 'amazing' writing resolutions - and needless to say, I'm playing a bit of catch up. But having the focus does help. If only I could be more organised :) I think the key to writing is sometimes just that - to write. Even the tiniest germ of an idea can sometimes expand into something amazing. As for keeping on track, I think having a schedule helps. Sticking to it, well, where there's a will, there's a way, I suppose.

    1. Very true what you say. Just get in that butt in chair and write as they say. Good for you having that schedule. Must be so hectic with a little one around and you have to grab that writing time when you can get it. Happy Writing, Sid! Loved your first installment of that story and must go read the rest.

  4. I hear ya! (Though my vice is Red Bull)

    I have no advice as I am likely even more disorganized than you. I find I work in waves, switching from drawing to writing to wire-working to painting to sewing to whatever creative endeavor piques my interest at the time. I just go with it, knowing I'll come back around to the others because I do care about them. But for me, my energy is best spent pursuing the passion I'm most passionate about at that time.

    1. You're amazing, Loni how you get so much done with two small kids and a full time job. I know I couldn't do it. I'm sure you don't get a lot of sleep and drink a lot of Red Bull to compensate, eh? Bravo for you and the release of your book!

  5. The Universe won't let me stick to my resolutions so I just go with the flow. It also takes the pressure of having to achieve something and that helps me write!

    1. That naughty ol Universe does tend to get in the way, doesn't it, Suzy? I like the idea of having a bit of structure but being prepared for things to not go according to plan which inevitably happens.

  6. hmm well for me I wish to start on a project I have been thinking about for quite some time..lets see how that pans out

    1. Best of luck with your new project, Naba. Full speed ahead!

  7. You and I have much in common in this area, Cathy. I'd rather "go with the flow" than try to stick to any schedule though. Sometimes, (like now), I'll temporarily park a project just to rethink and regroup. This usually works for me and it turns out better, in the end. ☺

  8. I am all ears too. Need to learn to focus more, love chocolates and tea :)

    1. I love tea, too, almost as much as chocolate and coffee. I hear you about the focus. I always have trouble in that area. Too many things are always vying for my attention.

  9. Sometimes I can flit from task to task like you, often starting things ("projects"). However, usually when I write, I am at it like a bulldozer! I can't stop! I have to, for the most part, finish it. Though at times I do take respite and let the words settle and tackle them later, either the same day or next usually. This can 'freshen' one's perspective sometimes. I don't think there's any right way to do this, i.e., write.; however, do what feels right and best for you Cathy...only you know! And well, I can see how chocolate and coffee can help...and so good together, aren't they? ;) <3 ...and I don't have a writing resolution, though a 'book' came to me earlier this month...

  10. I love that you're planning to relook at your stories, Cat. I'm sure they'll do great.
    I must add the chocolate to my list too! ;)

    1. Thanks for the encouragement, Corinne. Much appreciated. I must revive some of them. Those poor characters are just hanging there like puppets in a closet waiting for something to happen. I appreciated you reposting about my resolutions, too.

  11. I've been focusing hard on engagement this year. I have slowed my posts to one article at each of my two websites and the rest of the time I spend working on production and engagement. So far, it is working well. The one thing I forgot to plan for was the unanticipated invitations for extra activities. I'm still trying to figure that one out. LOL I found you over on Corinnes site. She is a gem, isn't she? Love her website.


    1. Hi Irish! Great to see you here! Thanks for your comment. Good luck with your writing resolutions. Sounds like you're off to a good start. Yes Corinne is the best! I credit her for really getting me more comfortable about blogging with her wonderful Write Tribe group.

  12. Cat, I am not really into resolutions but I do have a to do list for 2015. And blogging more regularly definitely features on it. :) As for the chocolate, I certainly don't need reminders or any more encouragement on that one. :))
    Good luck with reviving your stories and look forward to reading them!

    1. Thanks so much for the support og. Very kind of you. Good luck with your items on your 2015 list! Happy Writing to you!


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