It's Peculiar People Day!

Did you know that January 10th is Peculiar People Day? Peculiar People Day 

You do have to wonder how they come up with these unusual days but this is a fun one for a drab winter's day in January so why not?

Are you a Peculiar Person or do you know someone who is?

I like to think I’m peculiar and unique as we all do.

However, I’m pretty conservative and not as peculiar as some eccentric types who like to draw attention to themselves.

Let’s celebrate being peculiar today. It beats the heck out of being normal which is downright dull.

Peculiar People are everywhere
All you have to do is look,
What about that guy with spiky green hair
Or that girl always reading a book,

One guy rides his bike in winter weather
Peculiar and dangerous, too,
Or what about that girl who wears all that leather?
Or the one who paints stripes on her shoe,

Did you see the guy walk backwards down the hall
Now that’s peculiar and weird,
Or what about the girl who draws on the wall
You know, the one with a beard?

I think it’s great to be unique
Why be normal and sane?
I like to be peculiar
Peculiar people reign!


  1. Such a fun poem, Cat! Life would be boring without peculiar people - I agree, they reign! :)

    1. Thanks, Laurel. We must embrace our peculiarity and enjoy it!

  2. Peculiar people keep life interesting. What a boring world it would be if we were all the same. Some people I know must think me peculiar. I like to wear unusual socks to work. Why not? Alana

    1. I'd love to see your unusual socks, Alana. Sounds fun! Peculiar people do keep life interesting! Very true.

  3. Your poems always make me chuckle. Out loud. In public. Does that make me peculiar? ;) I like to think so :D Loved this day! We should have a BAR day :D

    1. Glad the poems make you laugh, Shailaja! Embrace your peculiarity. It's fun! I think having a BAR Day would be great!

  4. hahaha !! Am a banker by profession !! And for my team mates am "Peculiar" because i blog.

    1. We bloggers are a peculiar lot, it's true. Quite the contrast to banking, I'm sure, Ajay. Thanks for commenting.

  5. Haha Totally loved this! Oh yeah, the peculiar ones are weird yet fun.

  6. What coincidence! 'Peculiar People day', eh?! Last night I quoted about weirdness while hosting the weekly thread on BAR, which says:
    We are all a little weird and life’s a little weird.
    And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours,
    We join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love

    Life indeed is interesting when we enjoy the peculiarities within and around us! Else, it would have been drab and boring perfect :)

    1. We were thinking on the same wavelength today, VInodini. Weird peculiar people make life fun and interesting, don't you agree?

  7. Wow I didn't know about it Cathy...Loved the poem and I'm a peculiar one too :) I guess we all are peculiar in our own ways no?

  8. Was not aware of Peculiar People Day! I should have celebrated it too... LOL :D That was a fun and interesting expression, Cathy! :)

  9. I didn't know there was such a day .... I am peculiar , I slammed snail slime all over my face as beauty trick. What else you want ;)
    Brilliant poem :)

  10. What a peculiar idea. I loved your rhyme. And you're so write life without a few peculiarities would indeed be dull.

  11. Very funny! enjoyed reading about the peclarities of peculiar people.

  12. Oh Cat, this is so amusing as I was born on this day! And yes, I am peculiar and people around me think so too...why? Oh, who knows? It could be because I often talk out loud - haven't answered myself yet though! ;) - or am strong-willed/opinionated/passionate about so many things like the environment, bringing my 'garbage' with me to recycle or compost at home or at work depending which way I'm travelling and.... ;) <3


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