Blog Delurking Week 2015

I first heard about Blog Delurking Week on my blogging friend Laurel Reagan Laurel's blog Alphabet Salad and then from my other blogging friend, Shailaja Vishwanath Shailaja's blog The Moving Quill. Of course I had to come up with my own post on this topic. Can't let them have all the fun!

(This badge was created by Melissa, and she has kindly given permission to use it to anyone who wants to do their own International Blog Delurking Week 2015 post.)

I am so lucky to have wonderful blogging friends like Laurel and Shailaja who share the ups and downs with me on this writing journey. 

We all appreciate the time, effort and creativity that goes into writing a post. It takes work but it’s definitely a labour of love, right, gals?

I know folks are busy and it’s often hard to find time to leave a comment on a blog. It does mean a lot to bloggers though. We work hard on our posts and like to share them with our readers. Often it can be a lonely pursuit where we feel we’re talking to ourselves. It's hard to know who's reading our blogs, except from the comments.

Nothing brightens my day more than to see some comments and hear that someone liked my post or it touched them in some way.

In honour of Blog Delurking Week, I have written a poem for the occasion. Both Laurel and Shailaja know how much I like writing my poems. I enjoy writing them and hope people enjoy reading them but I never know for sure unless they tell me.

Lurkers lurk in cyberspace
They come and go without a trace,
They peek in shyly and watch from outside
But if you spot them they run and hide

It’s great that people read our work
But what is the reason why they lurk?
Bloggers are friendly and we really don’t bite
Maybe now and then, but only at night!

Lurkers, why not say hello?
Just comment in the box below!


  1. Cat, you crazy genius! I love the verse. And that bit about bloggers biting. Hello! Are you trying to scare people away? Happy Delurking week to you, my darling!

  2. Love the poem, Cat! ☺ No lurker here. Although I'm taking a break from the Blogosphere, (not for much longer), I still do read some of my favourites, including yours. Happy blogging!

  3. Beautiful verse..For some blogs I'm definitely a lurker but not for yours Cathy :)

  4. Love your poem Cat! LOL I definitely agree and hear you on this one, except for one thing: I talk to myself, my computer, the wall (like Shirley Valentine!), the air, whomever will listen and I don't necessarily feel lonely! ;) LOL <3

  5. Love the poem, Cat - how fun! And I'm glad to be here as a non-lurker. ;)


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